2022 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rat

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What does 2022 have in store for the Rat?

Rat Chinese Animal predictions for 2022

The year of the Tiger is looking to be a lovely year for the Rat and can hold a lot of promise for advancements in different areas of life over the next twelve months.

The Rats career and finances are looking promising during 2022 and although their success will be dependent on how much effort they put in, the results of their hard work can bring additional income which will help free up time in other areas of their life, creating a good balance between work and play this year.

Metal and Fire Rats born in 1936, 1960 and 1996 will need to put extra effort into the year of the Tiger as their element is in a clash with the Water Tiger year although this is nothing serious to worry about and a little extra energy will go a long way when carrying out their day to day life in 2022.

Health for the Rat in 2022

Chinese animal healthy eating in 2022

The Rat’s health is looking good overall during the Tiger year with little to worry about and to fully make the most of this settled time, the Rat should aim to take regular exercise and practise good eating habits throughout the year. Those born in 1936 and 1960 will really benefit from practising a healthy lifestyle this year.

Any Rat who tends to spend their free time in the evening and weekends watching TV or those who have a desk-based work-life can really benefit from trying out new activities as this can help them make some really positive lifestyle changes.

Any Rat with existing medical conditions should remember to stay on top of appointments and medication as it can be easy to neglect their wellbeing schedule in certain months due to commitments in other areas of their life.

The Rat will need to keep a close watch on their mental health during 2022 and will need to work on coping techniques and activities that help them remain calm and controlled in times of stress and anxiety, this could be something like taking a walk or sitting down to talk to a loved one or even hiking a trail; whatever boosts the Rats mental health should be practised regularly this year in order to keep the Rat in good spirits.

Work and career for the Rat in 2022

Chinese animal career prospects for 2022

Work-life is looking to bring a lot of changes into the Rats life this year and there will be many who are given extra responsibilities and advancements in roles throughout the year and this is especially likely for those born in 1972 and 1984. To fully benefit from the new opportunities coming their way, the Rat will need to work hard to show their strengths and commitments.

The Rat may feel unsure of themselves when taking on big projects in the workplace and would do well to remember that as long as they are committed to making something succeed, the Tiger years influence will help move things along and should bring positive results into the Rats career.

The Tiger year should see a lot of positive changes come into the Rats life and although this may not always happen as quickly as the Rat likes, their persistence and dedication will bring a lot of rewards where their career is concerned.

Those looking to change profession and those looking for work in general during the Tiger year would be wise research alternative roles where their skillset can be put to good use as this will open up a lot more doors for the Rat. Help will be given to the Rat who is feeling uneasy about their career path in 2022 although they may find that they have to take the first step and ask for help from job agencies or a friend or loved one.

Finances for the Rat in 2022

Chinese animal Feng Shui wealth predictions for 2022

With the Rats career looking so promising in 2022, it is likely that their finances will also go well and there will be many who see additional income from the energy they put into their career.

Although finances are looking to go well for the Rat in the Tiger year, it is important that they are not too frivolous with their spending as multiple small purchases could soon leave them short of money when it is most needed. It is wise for the Rat to manage their money well and avoid too many big purchases unless they have sought professional advice.

Any Rat who tends to spend money as soon as it enters their bank account will really need to keep a watch over their outgoings during the Tiger year as they will soon find themselves having to miss out on important events and necessary purchases due to careless budgeting. Avoiding too many impulse purchases can prove extremely helpful for the Rat and will allow them to use their money on more important things.

I would recommend placing a Chongyi Changnian Master cure and enhancer in the northeast of the home and office in 2022 as we have the annual #8 star fly into its inherent palace and we can benefit from double wealth luck here in 2022 which will make sure that wealth prospects are as good as they can be in the year of the Tiger.

Relationships for the Rat in 2022

Chinese animal Feng Shui romance predictions for 2022

The Rats love life is looking to bring a lot of joy this year although, with so much planned in other areas, it is important that those in an existing or new relationship remember to dedicate time to their partner as they may find themselves prioritising other areas of their life over their partner which will inevitably cause issues later on.

The Rat can benefit from taking part in joint interests with their partner during the Tiger year as this will help the Rat to unwind and relax while also enjoying the company of their partner. It is important that the Rat is not selfish when choosing activities throughout the year and chooses something that both have an interest in.

There will be many Rats born in 1972 and 1984 who will see marriage proposals this year and those looking to propose will benefit from luck when doing so in the Tiger year. It is important that the Rat does not rush any major decisions where love is concerned such as marriage or moving in together as this could cause conflict later on in the relationship; letting something move at its natural pace would be a lot wiser.

Single Rats can find love in the year of the Tiger and most of these relationships can lead to something long-lasting although to fully benefit, it is important that the Rat lets the relationship progress at a steady, natural pace and does not try to hurry things along; if the relationship progresses at a very fast pace, that is fine although it is best to let nature take its course.

To make sure relationships with loved ones go as smoothly as possible during the year of the Tiger, I would recommend placing a Dezhi Nianqian wish and romance enhancer in the southeast from the 3rd of February 2022 to the 3rd of February 2023.

Social and family life for the Rat in 2022

Chinese animal Feng Shui home predictions for 2022

Social and family life is looking to bring a great deal of joy into the Rats life in 2022 and they should find that they are rarely without plans during the Tiger year. It is important that the Rat sets a good balance between all areas of their life early on in the year if they are to manage their time well with regards to friends and loved ones.

With the Rat likely to be busy during 2022, they should aim to dedicate time to those who they feel are important to them and try to make an extra effort to stay in contact; even a text message or phone call will go a long way this year and the Rat should try to remember to make the effort to check in on others.

Travel is looking to be an important part of the Rats life in 2022 and they can really benefit from taking a trip somewhere during the Tiger year. It will be really beneficial if the Rat can plan a trip with loved ones as this will help combine plans and allow the Rat to spend some real quality time with the important people in their life. It is worth noting that the Rat should not go over their budget when planning a trip as this will allow them to make the most of their finances and enjoy their time away.

The Rats home life can see a lot of progress and for the handy Rat, they should be able to get a lot done over the next twelve months if they have changes they wish to make around the home. In order to fully benefit from renovations and upgrades, the Rat will need to spend time researching costs, timelines and requires skills before starting a project as this will certainly save them a great deal of time and money in the long run; the Tiger year is not the time to rush into anything!

For the Rat looking to grow their family in the Tiger year, they would be wise to follow the advice here before committing to a baby and try to make sure that finances, career, relationship and health all allow for a new addition to the household. A newborn will very unlikely be smooth sailing although if the Rats life allows, a child can prove a welcome addition to their life in 2022.

The Rats social life is also looking to be a busy area of their life this year, and they should find that they are in high demand with friends in 2022. The Rat can offer some very valuable advice and support to friends and loved ones this year and should keep an eye out for a friend in need.

Overall synopsis for the Rat in 2022

Rat Chinese animal predictions for 2022

The year of the Tiger is looking to be a busy time for the Rat and they should make sure that they manage their time well in order to fully benefit from what the Tiger year has to offer.

The Rats career and social life are looking to be highlights of the year and they should also aim to travel when possible as this will bring a lot of joy and downtime. The Rat should keep watch on their mental health in 2022 and ensure they take time out to relax and unwind when it is most needed.

As a Rat, you are in affinity with the Ox. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of an Ox, or a Gold plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of an Ox with you at all times throughout the year in 2022.

Your lucky sectors: (astrological zone) is the North (352.5º – 7.5º) of the home or office and as the north is afflicted with the Three Killings this year, make sure it is not disturbed with too much groundwork. For full details on 2022 Flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software 2022 that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our Feng Shui software 2022: it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world.

How to enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Rat in 2022:

How to enhance wealth with Feng Shui in 2022

The most powerful and influential cure and enhancer for 2022 is the Chongyi Changnian Master Cure. this cure can only to be used in a Yang Water Tiger (Ren Yin) year. The last time that this powerful cure and enhancer would have been used was in 1962 although only a privileged few got to use it due to Feng Shui cures being less accessible back then.

The Chongyi Changnian Master Cure is placed in the northeast of a home or business to protect and enhance wealth and good luck during 2022 for all occupants of the building.

This cure is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Grand Masters, and in the old days and even now in Asia, you would need to employ a specialist Feng Shui Grand Master to call at your home or business. They would come along with a specialist zhuanke (seal carver) who would spend many hours carving the secret engravings on to the square earth plate with a powerful Taoist inscription for the Ren Yin year, which would be carved on a piece of slate or marble or other material that is made from an earth element although slate is considered the best.

Chongyi Changnian Master Cure 2021

This is a potent enhancer and said to create wealth and also prevent its loss and avoid bad luck in 2022 and permeate luck through the whole building.

The most crucial part of this cure is the combination of thought-form quartz crystals, a very special brass wealth ingot, earth plate, Taoist inscription, and Chinese i-ching coins which are used to disperse the energy of the annual 8-star which has flown into it’s inherent palace of the Lo Shu in the northeast in 2022, making this an extremely powerful enhancer and one that we have gone to lengths creating and sourcing the correct elements which took us over two years.

This is one of the most influential and commanding cures and enhancers for wealth, health, relationships and protection, and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2022, we included it as standard in all our 2022 cures and enhancers kits. If you follow this link, you will find full details 2022 flying star analysis follow this link.

How to enhance romance for the Rat in 2022:

Chinese animal love predictions for 2022

Romance, academic, relationship, and creative studies can be enhanced in the southeast (#4 star) and northeast (#8 star) of your home, click here for further details. While this #4 star is very auspicious, without the necessary cures, the #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the correct remedies are not put in place especially if you have the main entrance or an important room like a master bedroom or living room.

The southeast has the powerful #4-star fly in 2022 to its inherent palace, and this star governs relationships, romance, career, travel, creativity, academic and artistic talents, wisdom and intelligence as well as self-development, making this a very powerful star.

Dezhi Nianqian wish and romance enhancer

The reason why we need so many specialist cures this year is that we have the annual #4 star fly into its inherent palace of the Lo Shu in the southeast, making this a fantastic area to enhance relationships, study and overall luck. The most powerful cure you can use in the southeast this year is a Dezhi Nianqian wish and romance enhancer.

Make sure you follow the 2022 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in the southeast, please be aware that in the months of July and October, you should make sure you at least place Six Chinese i-ching coins In a row tied in a row with a red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed.

How can the Rat avoid bad luck in 2022?

2022 Feng Shui Flying star chart

We have the #3 star enter the east in 2022 which has flown back to its inherent palace of the Lo Shu for the year, making this a troublesome area, and we are going to need special cures and enhancers in the east to weaken the malevolent influence of this combination.

At the very least, I would hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon and also place a salt water cure in the southwest and centre in 2022 to control and weaken the annual #2 and #5 stars.

For full details on the 2022 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important especially if you have the main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southwest, east, west or centre.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2022 will be a good year and to enhance it further I would suggest checking out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out specific tasks, it will also advise if it is suitable for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2022 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world.

The Three Killings – north (322.5 – 37.5)

Avoid the Three Killings in 2022

You must avoid making any form of noisy renovations or re-decorative work in the north part of your home or office between the 3rd of February 2022 and the 3rd of February 2023. You should not disturb the ground by digging holes (small holes for plants is fine), building foundations or conducting any maintenance work with any loud equipment in the areas inside or outside your property or garden.

If you have no option but to perform work in the north in 2022, I would strongly recommend that you place a six hollow rod metal wind chime while the work is being carried out and for a few days after. We take this very seriously at the Feng Shui Store as we’ve seen some pretty nasty events over the past 41 years when this energy has been disturbed.

There are also two other rules that you should follow regarding the Three Killings in 2022. Firstly, if you are moving your desk around this year, never sit with your back towards the north, it is better to face north instead.

If you have a door in the north in 2022, please take a lot of care when opening and closing the door to make sure it is not slammed. Avoid the influence of the Three Killings by opening and shutting the door calmly or installing a soft close hinge.

Jin shu da Xiang jewelled Silver ElephantA traditional and powerful Feng Shui cure for the Three Killings during 2022 would be to Jin Shu Da Xiang silver-coloured Elephant in the north from the 3rd February 2022 to the 3rd February 2023.

Urgent repairs to your home or office in the north will need a cure to prevent any negative consequences. You can place a six-rod hollow metal rod wind chime between the building and where the work is being carried out, or ideally, contact a professional Feng Shui Consultant to select an auspicious date to start the work.

Annual #5 yellow Flying star – central palace, and of course, this has no compass degrees.

From the 3rd of February 2022, the annual five yellow star flies into the central palace of every home, office and building for the year. When activated with noise or regular traffic, this inauspicious influence can bring disaster, illness, lawsuits and significant financial issues, making this a crucial area to tread carefully during the year of the Tiger.

It is highly recommended that you keep the centre of your home or office calm and settled as often as possible during 2022 to avoid activating this area and avoid any building work or noisy activities. To control and weaken the influence of the annual five star, place a set of six Chinese i-ching coins tied with red ribbon, a six-rod hollow metal wind chime and a salt water cure in the centre to avoid the problems that are associated with the #5 yellow disaster star.

A powerful and vital cure to place in the centre of your home or office during 2022 is to place a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in your building to weaken and appease the annual #5 yellow star, which is why we have included in all of our annual cures and enhancers kits this year.

Please do not panic if the north, southwest, centre or northeast of your home or workplace has a bedroom, office, living room or other regularly used room in one of these areas; just start preparing to place your 2022 cures and enhancers kit from the 3rd February to ensure a trouble-free year and also cleanse any old cures that you will be reusing this year. To give you even better control, use our advanced Feng Shui 2022 software as this provides a sophisticated analysis of every home or office facing any direction in any part of the world.

Tai Sui (The Grand Duke of Jupiter) – northeast (52.5 – 67.5)

He E Tai Sui gold plated plaque for 2022Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

If you have a front door located in the northeast during the year of the Tiger, please try to take care when coming through the door to avoid slamming the door as this is a sure way to anger Tai Sui. If you have an important room in the northeast, please try to keep this area calm and quiet in 2022 and avoid digging or renovating in the northeast this year; using hand tools should be fine as long as you are careful and keep noise levels low. The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a He E Gold Plated Tai Sui Plaque along with a Chongyi Changnian master cure to pay respect and appease the Deity and also enhance the annual #8 star.

By paying respect to the Grand Duke of Jupiter, we can weaken or avoid the problems this can bring.

Sui Po (Year Breaker) – Southwest (232.5 º -247.5 º)


Sui Po is the year breaker, and it occupies the compass sector directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2022 will be in the southwest, which also houses the annual 2 bad luck star. The location that Sui Po is located in for the year should be treated the same way as any other annual affliction, so please avoid too much noise in the southwest and avoid ground-breaking and renovation. When Sui Po is disturbed, this area can and usually will cause immediate health problems, especially with regards to the elderly, so please be very careful with the southwest of your home or office this year.

Are you prepared for 2022?

2022 Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui guide2022 Feng Shui cures and enhancers2022 Flying star analysis2022 Chinese animal predictions

Visit the pages below for further details on the 2022 Chinese New Year etc.

Chinese New Year 2022 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2022 ** How to make your own Ang Pow ** Chinese Talismans for 2022 ** Chinese animal predictions for 2022 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2022 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2022 ** Chinese New Year world time converter 2022 ** 2022 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui software ** Feng Shui resource **  Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

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3 thoughts on “2022 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rat

  1. Hi Daniel,

    Hope you’ve been doing well throughout COVID.

    I believe you have some errors with the dates in your forecast for the RAT in 2022.

    Here’s what I found… think you mean to write, 1936 and 1960.

    Metal and Fire Rats born in 1930, 1966 and 1996 will need to put extra effort into the year of the Tiger as their element is in a clash with the Water Tiger year although this is nothing serious to worry about and a little extra energy will go a long way when carrying out their day to day life in 2022.

    Kindly let me know if throes are typos.

    Thank you!


    1. Hi Anna,

      We’ve all been doing well, thank you; I hope you have been keeping well 🙂

      Thank you for pointing this out and apologies for the typos; I’ve updated the page to show the correct year now.

      Kind regards,

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