Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis 2020 – 7 Star

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Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis 2020 – 7 Star

Year of the Rat 2020

© Written by Daniel Hanna 2020

Are you prepared for 2020?

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Tui 7 Red – The Lofty Wind of Tui (Po Jun) flies into the centre in 2020

Flying Stars 2020 7 Star Tui

As of the 4th of February 2020, the annual #7 robbery star will fly into the centre of every home, office, and building all across the world, and if left alone without the appropriate cures and enhancers, this star has the risk of causing arguments, burglary risks, deception, copyright theft, backstabbing and overall bad luck this year. The central palace tends to resonate throughout the other eight palaces, so it is important that this area is treated with the appropriate cures and recommendations below to ensure that peace is kept in the home and office in 2020.

The centre will usually fall into a hallway and landing, depending on the size of the building although if the centre of your home or office falls into an area with a  main door or window, it is vital that the locks and overall security are checked throughout the year; it is also wise to double check smoke alarms throughout the year to ensure they are working correctly and avoid candles and naked flames here.

Mei Hua Fu Zhou Protection Plum Blossom AmuletThe Most powerful cure for the centre of your home or office in 2020 is to hang a Mei Hua Fu Zhou Protection Plum Blossom Amulet to be used to dissipate negative energy of the #7 robbery star trapped in the centre of every building in the world which is why we have carefully selected this for our 2020 Cures and Enhancers kits.

The centre of your home or office can cause a lot of problems to all occupants in 2020 as we have the annual #7 argument star enter the here and we will have double the metal energy from the inherent energy of the #6 star in the centre; the annual #7 stars energy will be naturally enhanced by this and we will need to introduce some water colours to weaken this.

Although it is not as common, if you live in u shaped home and have the main door in the centre, it is important that you hang a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror outside for added protection in 2020 and make sure that you do not slam the door and oil the hinges regularly.

safety and security predictions for 2020I have already mentioned double checking the security in your home or office but please do not take this advice lightly as the influence of the annual #7 star can increase the risk of robbery and deception. I always say that prevention is the best cure and by checking over your home throughout the year, along with placing the Mei Hua Fu Zhou, you can avoid any potential problems that could incur from the #7 star this year. Do not display any valuable items on windowsills as there is a risk of a passer-by seeing a quick opportunity.

It pays to be wise and avoid taking too many risks if you have an important room in the centre this year as there may be unscrupulous people working against you. There are indications of misunderstandings, pressure and business rivalries that could also lead to losses.

Smoke alarms and Feng ShuiThe best advice I can give for the centre in 2020 is to check your smoke alarms regularly, and if you do not have any, especially in the centre, please ensure you install them before the 4th of February 2020. Please make sure that you also check electrics and check the security of windows and doors.

Please take extra care during March, May, July, August, and December as this will bring an increased chance of robbery and arguments.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #7 star in the centre for 2020

Summary for the annual #7 star in the centre in 2020:

Please make sure that you keep the centre of your home of office as quiet as possible in 2020 and ensure that you check your smoke alarms at regular intervals this year. Good colour options for the centre are water colours such as shades of blue, black, or grey and be sure to avoid earth colour and crystals in the centre this year.

If you have an office or door in the centre, please be careful of people trying to deceive you, robbery, arguments and loss of wealth, always look at the very small print and be careful as this star normally causes problems with people you know and thought you could trust.

Recommendations and cures for the #7 visiting the centre in 2020:

  • You should try to introduce some water colours such as blue in your decoration. You can introduce the colour with cushions, rugs, bed covers or doormats.
  • Do not use anything of fire element or colours red to control it as this may aggravate it.
  • Avoid candles at all costs in the centre during 2020
  • Place a Mei Hua Fu Zhou Protection Plum Blossom Amulet in the centre of your home or office in 2020 for protection
  • Install or service/upgrade smoke alarms and security systems.
  • Do not hang metal wind chimes here.

Click here for the number 8 Flying star analysis for 2020

2020 Feng Shui cures and enhancers

Please click on the relevant area to find out more about the Flying star for 2020

Click here to download a printer friendly copy

Visit the pages below for further details on 2020 Chinese New Year etc.

Chinese New Year 2020 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2020 ** How to make your own Ang Pow **Chinese Talismans for 2020 ** Chinese animal predictions for 2020 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2020 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2020 ** Chinese New Year world time converter 2020 ** 2020 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui software ** Feng Shui resource ** 2020 Tong Shu Almanac Software ** Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

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