Should you use a Ba Gua mirror inside your home or office?

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Should you use a Ba Gua mirror inside your home or office?

 This is a small extract taken from our July 2002 monthly newsletter, if you would like to subscribe free of charge click here.

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You would be amazed at the number of consultations that we have been to and found the occupants have either been told by a practitioner or read a book advising to place a Ba Gua (Pa Kua) (pronounced ‘bah-gwa’) mirror inside their home to make their bathroom disappear or some similar nonsense, what a load of codswallop. I cannot stress this enough, NEVER use a Ba Gua inside a home or office.

I don’t care who has told you and how they have justified it. You must never ever use them indoors. There are circumstances that you can use them, they are special ones that you should not find on any website, we sell them, but only to trained Feng Shui Masters and Practitioners.

The ones that we sell to the public are “before heaven” Ba Gua (see below) these can only be used outdoors, they show the Trigram with three unbroken lines at the top and they come with a hook so you cannot go wrong in placement. Be careful when buying as we have seen the arrangement completely wrong and this can be very dangerous.

We also only sell wooden with a thin transfer on the facing side as they will show signs of wear which is an indication that the negative energy they have absorbed has weakened them and an indication that they need to be replaced although plastic and metal ones will not do this as they will cause more harm than good in the long run so always use wooden Ba Gua’s and avoid plastic and metal or similar material.

The one you use inside a building are after-heaven Ba Gua, the arrangement of the Trigrams are completely different and can only be used by a trained Feng Shui practitioner.

Before Heaven Ba Gua Mirror to be used outside only.

When should I use a Ba Gua(Pa Kua) mirror?

As I said if you already have one make sure the three solid lines are at the top. They are used to ward off sharp or pointing objects such as traffic, lampposts, objects pointing towards your home, roadway pointing at your home, corners of other houses pointing at you or anything that you feel is threatening.

Generally, they are placed above or close to your front door or facing the side of your home they can be hidden behind an object if you do not fancy explaining to neighbours or friends what it is. You should not have more than two; the front and back are normal. They are used to deflect negative energy (Sha Chi)

The Ba Gua is extremely powerful and should be used with care and also respect for others, as when you hang one they deflect the bad energy onto the offending object. I have read books and websites that sell these recommending that they place them to deflect bad energy towards a bad neighbour, remember when you do this you make their situation twice as bad and trust me Karma works in mysterious ways.

Michael recently carried out a consultation for a Chinese restaurant in Kent and the Ba Gua across the road from one of their Chinese competitors was about 5 feet in size, now that is big, the average size is 4-6 inches. In Asia there are many tactics used to compete with other businesses, these can be a Ba Gua mirror with pointing arrows on it or a cannon, this will give very bad energy to the company it is pointing at.

Examples of negative energy (sha chi) that you may use a ba gua mirror:

  • A large building or corners of a building especially if they are a negative building such as a prison, hospital, police station, military base, animal research centre, government building or similar.
  • Electric power pylons
  • A T-junction where the road points towards the home or office.
  • Very large trees that are too close to a building
  • A telegraph pole or any sort of tower.
  • Slaughterhouses and meat processing factories
  • Unsightly structures or landscapes in front of your home or business.
  • An electrical station or sub-station opposite your home or business.
  • A graveyard, cemetery, mortuary or undertakers opposite your home or office.
  • Generally, schools are ok although some upper schools with a bad reputation (mixed hormones) can give a lot of negative sha qi and I would place a flat ba gua mirror pointing towards the school although if they cause you no problems at all I would not use one.

Red, green and gold Ba Gua mirrors

The flat ba gua mirrors we sell will always have the colours red, green and gold and In Feng Shui, each colour is representative of different energies;

  • Red – Represents the summer, illumination and growth.
  • Gold – Represents late summer, growth, productivity and success.
  • Green – Represents spring, inspiration and strength.

Concave ba gua Mirrors

The concave ba gua mirror (bowed inwardly) is used to neutralise and absorb negative energies passively rather than reflecting the energies back, as is the case with flat mirrors (neutral) or more aggressively convex mirrors. A concave and flat ba gua is an effective and more humane way to disperse harmful energies sha qi without harming those around us. The concave mirror is also used to bring in positive energy from maybe a junior school or any other positive energy building or landscape, either way, you should really seek advice from a Feng Shui Master or consultant.

Convex Ba gua Mirrors

These are more effective for extremely harmful cha qi like prisons, hospitals and graveyards and you should not use these for normal house neighbours as it can make their situation much worse. Convex (bowed outwards) ba gua mirrors are best used with the supervision of a good Feng Shui master and it is very rare that Michael Hanna would use one of these as it in his words “it is like cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer”

Ba Gua mirrors are one of the most popular Feng Shui symbols of protection and are often referred to as the antibiotic of Feng Shui. In some Feng Shui schools, it may also be referred to as a Pa Kua mirror and they are one of the most effective all-round cures that can be used to protect your home.

FlatBa gua Mirrors

These are by far the safest to use and are a very effective Feng Shui cure normally placed above your door looking onto the offending object although they can be placed in any part of the building. If you are not sure which type of mirror to use it is much safer to use the flat type.

As with all our products they are cleansed from negative energy and empowered with positive energy, this is especially important with a Ba Gua mirror.

******“Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life”*****

You will find many articles on learning traditional and authentic Feng Shui. They teach you how to use cures and enhancers that nature provides us with, mainly the five elements. As many of you, long time subscribers will notice some of the articles are taken from our monthly newsletter. I hope you enjoy them, we will be adding to the resource on a regular basis.

398 thoughts on “Should you use a Ba Gua mirror inside your home or office?

  1. Hi Daniel,
    My front door is inside an enclosed front porch with a screen door. Should I place the mirror outside my front door in the enclosed porch, or outside above the screen door to enter the enclosed porch?

    1. Hi M,

      I wouldn’t recommend placing a mirror in the enclosed porch; outside above the screen door will be a much safer choice 🙂

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  2. Hi Daniel. My bedroom window is right across the cemetery. The house we just moved into is just right at the back of the cemetery (wide cemetery, but well kept). I didn’t realize this until after 3 weeks and I’ve already signed the lease. What remedy can I use to counter the ‘yin’ energy? Thank you 🙏🏼

    1. Hi Jo,

      I would place a Ba Gua mirror outside of your bedroom window, facing towards the cemetary to deflect any negative Qi coming from here. A normal flat Ba Gua mirror will work well here 🙂

      Kind regards,

  3. We just purchased a home about 3 weeks ago and the former owners left two mirrors hanging in the house. One is a flat and faces the stairs up to the bonus room/office. The second mirror is a convex, is hanging over the doorway going up the stairs, and directly faces the flat mirror (which hangs over the doorway to the main bedroom. Are we okay to remove these? If so, what is the best way to do so and what would we do them after? Otherwise, what do we do?

    1. Hi Greg,

      These will be fine to remove from the home, and respectfully place them in a bin outside of the home. I would not recommend placing new Ba Gua mirrors up, as they should only be placed outside of the home.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  4. Hi Daniel! I hope you can offer a suggestion for my problem. I live on the first floor in an apartment building with two apartments on each floor. My neighbors directly across from me, a young couple, they fight constantly and he hits her and they’re screaming. The man plays loud music and they now put the TV on the wall that is on the other side of my wall, so I hear that constantly. They also have a dog they do not put on a leash and they do not clean up after the dog so there are piles of dog feces outside of my patio plus they are always on their patio smoking marijuana and the smell comes right in my home. Very much nuisance people. They were supposed to move a month ago but they did not and I don’t think they will ever change so I really wish for them to move. Also the woman who lives above me has suddenly started making so much noise it’s unbelievable, sounds like they are dropping 100 lb weights repeatedly every day. The interior and exterior of the building is brick so I could not hang anything above the door even if I wanted to, plus we’re not allowed to have anything in the hallway. I can put a decorative item on my door but nowhere else in the hallway. Are there any options for me?

    1. Hi Linda,

      Sorry to hear you have these problems, it must be awful for you. Personally I would place a ba Gua mirror facing the nuisance people or even a canon or such like facing their apartment and hopefully they will move on.

      With regards to your upper floor neighbour, place a fire coloured objects (rug, bed cover, pillow cushion etc) like a shade of red, purple, burgundy in the southwest and you can also burn a candle with great care here, this will help with both scenarios.

      I hope this helps Linda.

      best wishes


  5. Dear Daniel, we live in an old north-east facing house with our front door directly in front of an elderly man’s door in a tiny alley. He is very messy but nice. Also, our front door opens directly to steep stairs. I added a crystal hanging from the ceiling by the front door inside, and will paint the door burgundy red, what else can you suggest to lift the energy? We are also quite near a T.section, where the is a funeral home. Thank you so much

    1. Hi Jeaanne,

      It is hard to advise as the man albeit sounds messy but is also a nice person and if you deflect too much with counter cures it could cause him problems so I would try and place objects between his door and yours, this could be a potted plant (Lavender or Rosemary is perfect for clearing energy) or a statue or if possible a small fence.

      I hope you get the idea and this helps,

      Best wishes,


      1. Hi Daniel, thank you very much for your quick reply. Yes, I like this idea very much, I will put some Lavender and Rosemary in a hanging basket outside our door and a small statue. I would not want anything to happen to my neighbour, this solution is very soft and gentle.

        1. Hi Jeanne,

          It will also smell divine with this combination of plants which is the best Feng Shui Qi.

          Best wishes,


  6. I have a problem with neighbours that they keep reversing back my garden two to three cars a day huge van above my six foot fence .The neighbours warming hid van or car direct to my garden .
    And in South garden their dogs and behaviour .
    I am in semi detached We do not talk , do not have a door or window facing their property.

  7. Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for posting this article. Very Helpful.

    I need some advice from you.

    We recently moved to a new home. The new neighbors have recently started parking off their car turning the head of car towards our front entrance. This seem annoying to us, they used to park their car with the back of the car towards our home but has recently started parking with the front of the car facing our home.

    Please advice which mirror should I use to deflect that energy?

    Also, the back side of my house is adjacent to other neighbors backyard wherein an aggressive dog barks all day and night long facing our home , this dog already bit my neighbors son once, they do not care to put him inside. This is really bothering to us and our family. Kindly advice which mirror should I hang the the front entrance and the back side of the house.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Monika,

      I would recommend placing a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror outside of your front entrance and also towards the home with the dog as these are the safest mirrors to use.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. Many thanks for your reply.

        Is the Ba Gua wealth mirror same as concave mirror? I do have a Ba Gua concave mirror , kindly suggest if that is same and can be hang at the front entrance and the back door facing the dog or Do I need to buy a separate Ba Gua wealth protection mirror

        Thank you again for your time.
        Have a great day/night

        1. Hi Monika,

          A concave mirror is more of a specialist cure and is best advised by a Feng Shui consultant. If you do not have any residential buildings opposite your front door, this can be used here.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

  8. I found your site and appreciate all this information. I tried searching to see if you have anything on steps facing back door? Can I use a mirror to deflect that? The steps are actually on the back wall and are directly in line with a window (it’s a stationary thick glass
    Window- doesn’t open like a decorative window to let in light) and at the top of the steps is my daughters bedroom. I read I’m supposed to put a mirror on her bedroom door to deflect back down and then a circle mat on the floor where the steps begin? Is there anything else I can do? Would love a feng shui consultation!

    1. Hi Heather,

      The best thing for this situation is to place a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror or a pair of Fu dogs on either side of the window for protection.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  9. Hi Daniel,

    I live in a mid terrace house and my neighbours to my right moved in 4.5 years ago. They are passive aggressive to us and my kids and they have dogs that bark outside all evening.
    Is there any way I can reflect their negative behaviour, or better, any way I can make them move out. Unfortunately, my current situation wouldn’t allow us to move at the moment.

    1. Hi Fiona,

      I would recommend placing a flat Ba gua mirror if you live in a semi or detached house, facing towards your neighbours. If not, you can place a pair of Fu Dogs inside of your home, facing towards your neighbour for protection.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  10. Hi Daniel,

    We have a terrace facing south and our neighbour on the left side is ata t-intersection. We have a pedestrian walkway to the opposite side of the street in front of our door. A few doors up in a bus stop.

    I’m concerned about the t -intersection being quite close to it. While we are not right on it, we are close and cars drive towards our house while turning right.

    Do you think a concave ba gua mirror would be suitable?

    Thank you for your help!

    1. Hi Gabby,

      From what you’ve described, a flat Ba Gua wealth protection mirror will work great here and will be a safer option than a concave mirror.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  11. My husband is self-employed and he works from one of our former bedrooms in our house which we converted into a home office. Our next door neighbours have had an upstairs extension so that they have a bathroom next to his office. Their new bathroom faces his office window and is only a few feet away from it. The office is also directly above our bathroom. Should we put a flat bagua mirror in his office window to deflect any negative effects our neighbours’ new bathroom could have on my husband’s business? Many thanks

    1. Hi Melanie,

      If you are concerned about the bathroom being opposite the home office, you can place a Dragon statue facing toward your neighbour’s home as this will offer protection; placing a Ba Gua mirror that close to another building could cause the qi to stagnate and cause more harm than good.

      The bathroom should not cause any issues to your husband’s business as this would have more of an effect on the neighbour’s home if they kept it very dirty.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  12. Hi Daniel,
    I have an East facing front door, which is a glass sliding door, which faces a tree. The tree is across a road in the gardens but is large and is fully in front of my sliding front door. I can send a photo if that would help? Should I use a bagua mirror for this? Thank you for any advice.

    1. Hi Wendi,

      Placing a Ba Gua mirror above the front door on the outside will help with this; this is especially so if the tree is not in the best of health or very large.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  13. I was just given a gift of a convex bagua mirror by someone who has had a bad past with my neighbor and I have experienced some slight negativity from him just involving my home which used to be his parents home , the home he grew up in . I do not want to inflict any harm to my neighbors as I understand where his bitterness and negativity comes from . I merely want to neutralize it . Where would be the best place to hang this mirror to only create peace ?

    1. Hi Jen,

      Convex mirrors are used to point negative energy back to the direction they came from so it would probably be best to avoid using this and instead use a flat mirror or concave mirror to avoid sending the negative energy back.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  14. Hi Daniel,

    I have a bus stop with the sign on it that’s like an axe shape that’s facing my front window – which ba gua is best to use or would something else be better for this? Any help would be much appreciated!

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      I would recommend placing a flat or concave mirror for the bus stop as a convex mirror would be too powerful when bouncing the negative energy back.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

      1. Hi Daniel,

        Thank you for this! It faces the back of the house but I can see it outside my window in the living room.

        Similarly, if I go upstairs, there is also a lamp post across the road facing the back opposite one of the bedroom windows – will the bagua used for the bus stop also counteract this or is this ok?

        Many thanks

        1. Hi Cheryl,

          If the lamp post is in the same direction as the bus stop, this will work for both although if this is in a different direction, it would be best to place another mirror as the mirror should be faced directly towards the poison arrow.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

  15. Hi, my front door faces a t-section and on the right hand side of my house there is a cemetery, which I can also see from the back of my house. Ever since we have lived here we have had tremendous bad luck! Can I place a flat bagua mirror above the front door to deal with the t-section and one on the side door of my face facing the cemetery to ward off the cemetery energies? What other cures can I add to assist the chi around my home? I have a bird feeder on the fence going to the cemetery too

    1. Hi Alessia,

      Yes, a Ba Gua mirror will work well for this. I’d recommend placing a flat mirror as these are safer to use.

      to help with protection of your home and Qi, you can place a pair of Chi Lins or Fu Dogs on either side of your front door.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

  16. Hi Daniel, I live in a 3 level terrace house, the front door faces east. There is no rear exit to our house but there are side doors leading into our garden & a driveway between our house & the adjacent northern neighbours (also a multi level terrace).
    Adjacent to us on the south side is an apartment block. The front of the apartment block is situated directly on a moderately busy footpath while our terrace is set back approx 2 metres from the footpath. The distance between both buildings is approx 60cm.
    The garbage collection room for the apartment block is located on the ground floor (adjacent to our front door). We are often affected by the smell of garbage or the smell of strong disinfectant invading our living areas.
    One of the residents on the 2nd floor of the apartment block, is a prolific smoker. We are often affected by the overpowering smell of cigarette smoke invading our living areas & bedrooms.
    This causes us discomfort & stress & means that we are rarely free to have the doors & windows at the front of our house open to allow fresh air into our living areas & bedrooms.
    We also have a large oversized tree directly in front of our home & power lines that pass across the front of our house at the 2nd level (bedroom) height.
    On the advise of a friend, I recently bought some flat Ba Gua to put at the front of our home.
    Given that multiple floors/levels of our home are affected, where would be the best place to put the Ba Gua?
    Will one be sufficient or should I have one on each floor/level?
    I also have a small jade dragon. Where would be a good place to position that?
    Thank you, I appreciate any advice.

    1. Hi Lyn,

      I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues around your home and hope that things improve for you.

      I would only place one Ba Gua mirror and would place this above your front door on the outside.

      The jade Dragon will work well in the northeast or northwest this year.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

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