Understanding the timing and phases of the 81 combinations in period 9 (2024 – 2044)

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Understanding the timing and phases of the 81 combinations in period 9 (2024 – 2044)


Understanding the timing and phases of the 81 combinations in period 9 (2024 – 2044)


Period 9 Feng Shui Flying star 81 combination cyclesTiming plays a critical role in the 81 combinations in Feng Shui, particularly in the Flying-Star Time Dynamic. To effectively implement Feng Shui, it’s essential to understand the different energy phases of the stars and how they interact during a specific Feng Shui period or Yun.

It’s essential to note that all nine stars are active at any given time, and it’s necessary to determine which star holds dominant energy during a particular period and which stars should be utilised or avoided. Currently, we are in Period 8, which will last until the 4th of February 2024, after which we will enter Period 9, which will last for 20 years. We have created a page for all of our Period 9 content which you can view by clicking this link (this will open in a new window).

San Yuan Xuan Kong Flying Star (三元玄空飞星)

The San Yuan Xuan Kong Flying Star, also known as the Xuan Kong Fei Xing, is a powerful method used in Feng Shui to analyse and assess the energy qi flow within a property. This method incorporates the principles of the San Yuan school of Feng Shui and focuses on the movement and interactions of the flying stars in different sectors of space. By understanding and harnessing the influences of these flying stars, we can optimise the energy and create a harmonious environment that promotes well-being, prosperity, and positive outcomes.

We are in the process of rewriting our Academy of Feng Shui software so that all of the advice and information is relevant to Period 9 Feng Shui. We will be releasing this later this year to help you make the most of the auspicious influences and appease the inauspicious influences over the next twenty years.

Each star is assigned a number and name, and its presence in a specific area determines the auspiciousness of that space.

1 Star — Tan Lang (贪狼)

2 Star — Ju Men (巨门)

3 Star — Lu Cun (禄存)

4 Star — Wen Qu (文曲)

5 Star — Lian Zhen (廉贞)

6 Star — Wu Qu (武曲)

7 Star — Po Jun (破军)

8 Star — Zuo Fu (左辅)

9 Star — You Bi (右弼)

The energy phases of the stars in Feng Shui are categorised as Sheng, Wang, Shuai, Si, and Sha


The energy phases of the stars in Feng Shui

Shēng 生 Phase:

During the Shēng (生) phase, the energy is characterised by vibrancy, vitality, and a sense of growth and renewal. This phase represents the flourishing of life and the emergence of positive attitudes and aspirations. In Period 9, which corresponds to the current time, stars 1 and 2 are attributed to the Shēng phase.

Star 1 in period 9 embodies the energy of new beginnings, opportunities, and personal growth. It symbolises the potential for success, progress, and positive outcomes in various aspects of life. Aligning with the Shēng phase, star 1 encourages individuals to embrace change, take decisive action, and seize the favourable circumstances that present themselves.

Star 2 in period 9 is a star associated with the Shēng phase that signifies harmony, cooperation, and relationships, although it is still relatively weak at the beginning of period 9 and needs to be handled with care and skill; the good news is that most of the time it does not require the metal element to weaken it; in the early phase, we will need to use some metal to control this energy, alongside the earth element. It represents the power of synergy and the importance of building connections with others. During Period 9, star 2 fosters an environment conducive to collaboration, teamwork, and mutual support. It encourages individuals to cultivate harmonious relationships, resolve conflicts, and nurture a sense of community.

Wàng 旺 Phase:

The Wang (旺) phase represents the pinnacle of prosperity and vitality within the current period. It is regarded as a time of heightened positive energy and abundance. In Period 9, the ruling star that embodies this prosperous energy is Star 9. In Period 9, the 9 star will be enhanced with the Master cure from our annual cures and enhancers kits for the next twenty years, as this is the primary star to focus on for overall luck and prosperity.

During this phase, the energy is at its most vibrant and auspicious. The influence of Star 9 brings forth tremendous opportunities for growth, success, and overall prosperity. It is a time when the universe aligns in favour of individuals who are receptive to this positive vibrancy and channel their efforts into harnessing its potential.

Focusing on the energy of Star 9 is crucial during Period 9 as it holds the key to unlocking the greatest prosperity during this 20-year cycle. By directing attention and intention towards this ruling star, individuals can tap into its powerful energy and attract favourable outcomes in various aspects of life.

Shuāi 衰 phase:

During the Shuai (衰) phase, the energy transitions from its vibrant state to a state of fading or weakening. This phase represents a natural progression in the cycle of energy. It is essential to exercise careful attention and consideration during the Shuai phase, as improper handling of the energy can potentially manifest negative behaviours or outcomes.

In Period 8 (2004 – 2024), stars 7 and 6 are in the Shuai phase. This indicates that these particular stars are experiencing a diminishing or declining energy during this period. It is crucial to be mindful of this energy shift and its potential implications. This phase serves as a reminder to take precautions, make conscious decisions, and maintain a balanced approach when dealing with the influences of these stars.

Moving into Period 9, the Shuai phase continues with stars 8 and 7 categorised as such. This means that these stars are also undergoing a decline in energy and influence during this period. It is important to note that the shifting energy of these stars may require extra caution and attention to prevent or mitigate any negative manifestations.

Understanding the dynamics of the Shuai phase in Period 9 provides valuable insights into optimising the energy flow and promoting a more harmonious environment. By acknowledging the changing energy patterns and adapting accordingly, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and create a more balanced living or working space.

死 phase:

The Si phase is characterised by an energy that is lifeless and dead. Remedies must be put in place to neutralise its negative energy pattern. In Period 8, stars 3, 4, and 5 belong to this group, while in Period 9, stars 3, 4, 5, and 6 can easily result in detrimental consequences.

Shā 殺 energy:

The Sha energy is always negative and can occur at any point, impacting the home’s interior or exterior form elements, whether man-made or natural. It’s always dangerous and harmful and can inflict pain at any time. This energy never collaborates in phases like Sheng, Wang, Shuai, or Si, and correct form and qi modifications must be implemented to counteract its extreme toxicity. An excellent example of this is the Feng Shui poison arrow.

In conclusion, understanding and implementing timing into the 81 combinations in Feng Shui is essential for successfully implementing the practice. The different energy phases of the stars must be considered to achieve the desired outcomes during a specific Feng Shui period.


The individual flying star combinations hold unique characteristics and influences based on their cardinal directions, elements, forms, trigrams, associated family members, and body associations. By understanding these attributes, you can make informed decisions to optimise the energy flow in your living or working space. To explore the comprehensive details of the 81-star combination behaviours.

Remember, by harmonising the energy within your environment, you can create a more balanced and prosperous atmosphere that positively impacts various aspects of your life.

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