October 2003 Almanac

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Written By Sallie Tsui Sien

Use the Almanac below daily to help you in selecting the most auspicious days and times for activities and events such as weddings, renovations, travelling, opening a business and even a good day for mending your tools.

A Chinese almanac (Chinese calendar) or ‘Tung Sing’ is based on the lunar cycle, providing a guideline that either promotes or advises against certain tasks being undertaken on certain days depending on the combination of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. Virtually every home in Asia will have one of these and refer to it daily, it tells you when to do and not to do certain jobs or events. Sallie will be translating the almanac each month so check back monthly for updates.


The ten Heavenly Stems are the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The Twelve Earthly Branches are the twelve animals of Chinese astrology: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The stem and branches express each other in a 60-year cycle in terms of the five elements in their yin and yang states.

In former times, once the many characteristics of a building site had been considered, auspicious dates had to be chosen carefully for the actual building tasks in order to ensure harmony.

The almanac is published annually and mainly consists of:

  • An update on the annual energies of the Nine Palaces of a property and the three annual afflictions according to the Xuan Kong system of Feng Shui.
  • A ‘Huang Li’ or imperial calendar states recommended days to proceed with or avoid certain tasks or projects during the year. There is a section dedicated to recommended days for ‘spring cleaning’ before Chinese New Year.
  • Favourable or unfavourable days according to an individual Year’s Pillar of the Four Pillars ‘Ba Zi’.

An example would be if you were planning to open a new business this month October 2003 you would choose either 12-24-26 or 30th of October. Or if you were travelling, you would pick either 1st-3rd-5th or 14th of October. The Almanac is taken very seriously and used daily by all the staff of the Feng Shui Store.

Check back each month for updates on the Almanac, it is very rare to have an English translation.

Please feel free to print out and use daily, check back www.fengshuiweb.co.uk each month for updates or join our free newsletter

Let’s take it one step further. It can work to a person’s advantage if the hour is also in harmony with the person’s year earthly branch. I must stress that this is only a general way of making the best of the situation with the limited information that is provided here. A more complete and precise analysis of a person’s best timing requires a much more in-depth interpretation of the individual’s “Bà Zi” (Four Pillars).

So let’s say, if you are born in the year of a Dog, and you want to start a new business, you would choose the good days to open a business from this almanac, you may want the door opening ceremony conducted or sign contract on the hours that are compatible to you and they are the hours of (5am – 7am), (11am – 1pm) and (3am – 5am). Now, even if it is not a good day, at least try to use the good hours for important things. Below is a table that offers the corresponding compatibility of the twelve earthly branches. If you do not know your Chinese animal use the chart below, it is also worth double-checking.

Best times of day (Compatible branches hours)
11pm-12: 59am ** 1:00-2:59am ** 7:00-8:59am ** 3:00-4:59pm
1:00-2:59am ** 11pm-12: 59am ** 9:00-10:59am ** 5:00-6:59pm
3:00-4:59am ** 11am-12: 59pm ** 7:00-8:59pm ** 9:00-10:59pm
5:00-6:59am ** 1:00-2:59pm ** 7:00-8:59pm ** 9:00-10:59pm
7:00-8:59am ** 11pm-12: 59am ** 3:00-4:59pm ** 5:00-6:59pm
1:00-2:59am ** 3:00-4:59am ** 5:00-6:59am ** 9:00-10:59am
3:00-4:59am ** 11:am-12: 59pm ** 1:00-2:59pm ** 7:00-8:59pm
5:00-6:59am ** 11am-12: 59pm ** 1:00-2:59pm ** 9:00-10:59pm
11pm-12: 59am ** 7:00-8:59am ** 9:00-10:59am ** 3:00-4:59pm
1:00-2:59am ** 7:00-8:59am ** 9:00-10:59am ** 5:00-6:59pm
3:00-4:59am ** 5:00-6:59am ** 11am-12: 59pm ** 7:00-8:59pm
3:00-4:59am ** 5:00-6:59am ** 1:00-2:59pm ** 9:00-10:59pm

© Feng Shui Store 01296 399100


20 February
1920 – 7 February 1921

6 February 1932 – 25 January 1933

25 January 1944 – 12 February 1945

12 February 1956 – 30 January 1957

30 January 1968 – 16 February 1969

16 February 1980 – 4 February 1981

4 February 1992 – 22 January 1993

22 January 2004 – 8 February 2005



8 February
1921 – 27 January 1922

26 January 1933 – 13 February 1934

13 February 1945 – 1 February 1946

31 January 1957 – 17 February 1958

17 January 1969 – 5 February 1970

5 February 1981 – 24 January 1982

23 January 1993 – 9 February 1994

9 February 2005 – 28 January 2006



28 January
1922 – 15 February 1923

14 February 1934 – 3 February 1935

2 February 1946 – 21 January 1947

18 February 1958 – 7 February 1959

6 February 1970 – 26 January 1971

25 January 1982 – 12 February 1983

10 February 1994 – 30 January 1995

29 January 2006 – 17 February 2007



16 February
1923 – 4 February 1924

4 February 1935 – 23 January 1936

22 January 1947 – 9 February 1948

8 February 1959 – 27 January 1960

27 January 1971 – 15 February 1972

13 February 1983 – 1 February 1984

31 January 1995 – 18 February 1996

18 February 2007 – 6 February 2008



5 February
1924 – 24 January 1925

24 January 1936 – 10 February 1937

10 February 1948 – 28 January 1949

28 January 1960 – 14 February 1961

16 February 1972 – 2 February 1973

2 February 1984 – 19 February 1985

19 February 1996 – 6 February 1997

7 February 2008 – 25 January 2009



25 January
1925 – 12 February 1926

11 February 1937 – 30 January 1938

29 January 1949 – 16 February 1950

15 February 1961 – 4 February 1962

3 February 1973 – 22 January 1974

20 February 1985 – 8 February 1986

7 February 1997 – 27 January 1998

26 January 2009 – 13 February 2010



13 February
1926 – 1 February 1927

31 January 1938 – 18 February 1939

17 February 1950 – 5 February 1951

5 February 1962 – 24 January 1963

23 January 1974 – 10 February 1975

9 February 1986 – 28 January 1987

28 January 1998 – 15 February 1999

14 February 2010 – 2 February 2011



2 February
1927 – 22 January 1928

19 February 1939 – 7 February 1940

6 February 1951 – 26 January 1952

25 January 1963 – 12 February 1964

11 February 1975 – 30 January 1976

29 January 1987 – 16 February 1988

16 February 1999 – 4 February 2000

3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012



23 January
1928 – 9 February 1929

8 February 1940 – 26 January 1941

27 January 1952 – 13 February 1953

13 February 1964 – 1 February 1965

31 January 1976 – 17 February 1977

17 February 1988 – 5 February 1989

5 February 2000 – 23 January 2001

23 January 2012 – 9 February 2013



10 February
1929 – 29 January 1930

27 January 1941 – 14 February 1942

14 February 1953 – 2 February 1954

2 February 1965 – 20 January 1966

18 February 1977 – 6 February 1978

6 February 1989 – 26 January 1990

24 January 2001 – 11 February 2002

10 February 2013 – 30 January 2014


30 January
1930 – 16 February 1931

15 February 1942 – 4 February 1943

3 February 1954 – 23 January 1955

21 January 1966 – 8 February 1967

7 February 1978 – 27 January 1979

27 January 1990 – 14 February 1991

12 February 2002 – 31 January 2003



17 February
1931 – 5 February 1932

5 February 1943 – 24 January 1944

24 January 1955 – 11 February 1956

9 February 1967 – 29 January 1968

28 January 1979 – 15 February 1980

15 February 1991 – 3 February 1992

1 February 2003 – 21 January 2004


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