Even Feng Shui experts have problems…

Last week was a nightmare for us with computers; we suffered a hard disk crash and lost 4 weeks of emails and some data.January 2004 was the last time we had a computer hard drive crash and that was very painful as we never had an effective back-up in place and lost many months of work. Friday 31st August our hard drive again decided to die and we lost almost four weeks of emails and work which wasn’t as bad but still not good.It is now Monday (10 days later) and we are just about back to normal, it was more of a problem for poor Jo than me, but of course that indirectly affects me so ... continue reading

Make a wish tonight…

An impressive meteor shower (aka Shooting Stars) will be seen over the UK this weekend, if the clouds stay away and tonight (12-13th August 2007) will be the most striking because it will be a new moon and we should see a meteor every 45 seconds and possibly there could be much more than that. Unfortunately the north of the country and Scotland may not be as good, as there are heavy clouds and rain forecast although if you are patient you should still see an exciting performance.Try and drive out of town as artificial street and home/business lighting will weaken the event so a lay-by ... continue reading

Beam me up, Scotty!

As I was driving up to the west Midlands (UK) yesterday I was trying to think of something interesting to write for the blog, it is actually quite hard to do sometimes. I was revisiting an old client who has just bought an old barn in the middle of nowhere to covert into a home and business, wow, when I arrived it was breathtaking, the views were spectacular and the barn which is around 3000 square feet with two acres of land has so much potential along with hundreds of ceiling and wall beams, all in all in my eyes it was perfect and from a Feng Shui point of view also pretty good. It is ... continue reading

This week…

I had a call this week from an old client/friend who said how trilled he was to hear I had a Blog, that is until he looked at it and said how disappointed he was. He said he was expecting more of a journal/diary type blog with daily entries, hmmm. Not sure I can do daily but I will see how things go. Jo (my wife) liked the idea as she said she could look at the blog to find out where I am, now should I be reading anything into this comment?Last week I was in north Wales (revisiting old clients in same home from 2003), London and Wolverhampton (old clients from 2001, now in a new ... continue reading

August updates for Flying star and Chinese animals

Just a quick note to let you know that the monthly updates, almanac, twelve animal and Xuan Kong flying stars have been uploaded on the main site, click here to view them.   4 Responses to “August updates for Flying star and Chinese animals”  1. Maike Says:August 3rd, 2007 at 10:31 pmHello Michael,Thank you so much for your monthly updates and all the other articles you put on your website and blog. In my opinion, they are the best I have seen in the internet. You put a lot of effort into this and it shows. On top of all, it is free of charge, which is rare ... continue reading

Feng Shui and Doors…

Leave your comments by clicking on this link… Forget about placing three legged Toads, Buddha’s and making your home or office look like a Chinese restaurant (unless of course you are a Chinese restaurant) and concentrate on the Feng Shui essentials that are so often overlooked. The main entrance door is probably one of the most important areas of a home or office, it is where the qi (ch’i) enters the building and the quality of the qi is dependant on the quality of the door area, hall and driveway.Qi (energy) enters the building through doors and windows. However, the front door of ... continue reading

Chinese culture, etiquette & protocol, a must read…

A superb artical on everything you need to know about Chinese culture, etiquette, protocol, visiting, doing business and communicating in or with China. I was born in Hong Kong and I know that there are many protocols, values and traditions that the Chinese hold close and since I still travel a lot in Asia on Feng Shui consultations and teaching. Follow this link for More details…   Responses to “Chinese culture, etiquette & protocol, a must read…”  1. Derek Says:July 12th, 2007 at 11:11 pmThis is a superb bit of work, so interesting and so many things i would ... continue reading

“If it ain’t broken don’t try and fix it”

Dear MichaelI recently had a feng shui practitioner visit my home and after three hours of her being there I felt like I was living in the worst house in the world. She told me because the front door was lined up with the rear door it meant we would always have money problems. Our car parking area at the front of our home was blocking any energy coming in. The drains outside the front ran from left to right or whatever she said meant that my husband would be unfaithful and arguments and disputes within the family were inevitable, the list went on.We have lived in this home for almost ... continue reading

July 2007 monthly updates

Just a quick note to let you know that the monthly updates, almanac, twelve animal and Xuan Kong flying stars have been uploaded on the main site, click here to view them. I am now back from my travels for a few weeks so hoping to get some posts on this blog in the next few days.   Responses to “July 2007 monthly updates”  1. Snoskred Says:July 4th, 2007 at 4:57 amHi, Just dropping by to let you know I’m going to mention your site as a good reference for info on Feng Shui in a blog post I am writing about Feng Shui, sometime over the next couple of days.I want ... continue reading

What is Qi? A valuable lesson.

Are you prepared for 2022?Also known as Ch’i, Ki, Prana or Mana. Together with the sun, wind and water it is life, without it we would not exist. It is an invisible force that is around us at all times, it affects our health, wealth and happiness. Try and imagine you are Qi and you are roaming around your home, are there areas that make you want to go faster, maybe in a long hallway, are there areas that make you slow down because there are pieces of furniture in your way or maybe a pot plant outside that fills in a dark corner.Try and look at your house and ... continue reading

A word of warning

I am currently in Malaysia at the moment and amazed at how many market stalls and shops that are selling allegedly ancient Feng Shui items like Lou Pans, Ba Gua mirrors and temple Lions, they all claim they date back hundreds or even thousands of years and I have to say they look pretty impressive but believe me these replicas are probably only a few days/weeks/months old, whether you are in Honk Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur or Beijing and you are in a normal market type area you are very unlikely to find genuine antiques relating to Feng Shui or other artefacts. I have even seen these ... continue reading

Hearts of gold in Singapore

As I am working in Singapore and Malaysia this week I thought I would go and visit the new Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in the heart of Chinatown Singapore (pictures below). Of the 420kg of solid gold it took to build this remarkable structure, 234kg was melted from donated gold jewelry pieces from locals, talk about hearts of gold, it is incredible to see. The building is amazing and inside is laden with gold statues, tiles and flooring. The seven story building will open on Vesak day which sadly I will miss, if you are in Singapore on the 31st May (check dates to confirm) you should pop ... continue reading

10 Top tips that we use in our home and business

================================================================ 10 Top tips that we use in our home and business. ================================================================1) Use the Tong Shu (almanac) for selecting important dates like weddings, engagements, starting a new business, signing contracts, interviews, travel, installing a pond or water feature, getting married, building work. Any event that you think is important. 2) Don’t assume when something bad happens in your life that your Feng Shui has gone pear shaped, it is probably just a passing influence of the monthly ... continue reading

Lausanne, Switzerland.

For those of you that do not know me or are new to our website and newsletters you will soon find I love photography with such a passion and always capture many images on my travels and use them in my training as powerful teaching aids.The photo below was taken (I think around 5am) from my hotel room in Lausanne, Switzerland a few weeks ago, the area is breathtaking and whilst I was working here I felt very much on holiday. The Feng Shui of the majority of the town was very good with spectacular views over the lake and Alps beyond.From a Feng Shui point of view the image would be very ... continue reading


Welcome to our Blog. I will be updating this blog often as I now have the freedom to update from anywhere in the world, so a great opportunity to share with you all some photos and learning on my travels from all over the world.All you long term followers of our website know that we do a newsletter each month and currently we have a database of over 60.000 subscribers, our biggest problem is that every time we do a newsletter it generates far too much response and it is impossible to deal with the thousands of emails we received each month so we have not done a newsletter in a while. ... continue reading

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