Feng Shui and Doors…

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Leave your comments by clicking on this link… Forget about placing three legged Toads, Buddha’s and making your home or office look like a Chinese restaurant (unless of course you are a Chinese restaurant) and concentrate on the Feng Shui essentials that are so often overlooked. The main entrance door is probably one of the most important areas of a home or office, it is where the qi (ch’i) enters the building and the quality of the qi is dependant on the quality of the door area, hall and driveway.

Qi (energy) enters the building through doors and windows. However, the front door of your house is where the major part of Qi enters and therefore this door plays an important role in determining the quality of Feng Shui experienced by the household or office. Its location within the house is extremely important.

Most homes have two main doors. One that was built originally by the architect (front door) and the other, which could be a kitchen, garage or side door, that is sometimes preferred by the occupants due, for example, to the convenience of its location.

How far do we take all this information? I teach Feng Shui to hundreds of Feng Shui Practitioners and students from all over the world and sometimes I do not always practice what I preach but believe me when it comes to doorways, halls, driveways etc our home and business is kept spotless, we replace doormats as soon as they start to wear, Doors, frame, paintwork and the area around door outside is cleaned weekly, brass door furniture polished when needed, hinges oiled when needed, glass cleaned every few weeks. Think of your door no different to your mouth, it is where the food (qi) enters the building and the cleaner the mouth (door) area the better the quality of nutrition entering the building.

The problem with Feng Shui nowadays is it has been romanticized with thousands of books and websites depicting it as a quick fix to all your problems with placing a Buddha statue, Mandarin Ducks or a three legged Toad here and there and low and behold your dream date knocks on the door with a case full of money along with a miracle cure for rejuvenation. Sorry to disappoint you but if you placed your three legged Toad on top of all the dust in your hallway by the main door and you have not cleaned this area in a few months do not expect anything great to happen, the energy of these symbolic cures and enhancers work with the environment they are placed, so a nice clean area will synchronize better. Must try and make some money out of this website instead of putting people off buying things.

It really is no different to your body, if you smoke 60 cigarettes a day, drink 2-3 bottles of wine a day, eat junk food daily, do not think by taking a vitamin C tablet daily that it will counteract all the damage these products will be doing to your body. Please do not think I am standing on a pedestal and making out I am whiter than white, I love good wine and because of my travels I sometimes eat junk food but it is all done in balance and moderation. Do not take Feng Shui to the extreme just get a good balance in the home or office and spend some time looking through this website and blog, there is some good advice here and you do not have to spend hundreds of pounds, it’s all free.

Some golden rules when it comes to main entrance doors:

1) Decide on which door to use and use this one door only. Having two main entry doors can often cause unnecessary bickering and arguing amongst occupants, that it is why it is important to just use one door to enter and leave, it is okay to use the other door if it leads to the garden and you want to access it or throw your rubbish away. If you live in a home that has two or more doors but you can only enter through the main front one as it could be terraced or semi-detached, it is fine to use all the doors as the main entering and leaving will only be through one door.

2) Make sure the size of the door is in proportion to the size of the property. If the front door is too big, opportunities will slip you by and if it is too small, it can cause disharmony within the household. If you feel your door is too big or small hang a faceted crystal sphere on the inside of the door. In traditional Feng Shui there are auspicious measurements for doors and one of the reasons why we introduced auspicious dimensions in our Feng Shui software; this automatically tells you exactly what sizes are good and bad. These auspicious measurements are used for doors, windows, desks, beds, furniture and every item you can think of and taken very seriously is China and other eastern countries.

3) Strictly speaking a solid front door is always preferable to a glass-paneled one. If you have a glass door do not worry just hang muslin, voile or a similar cloth over the glass. Personally I prefer a glazed door as I prefer natural light so please do not concern yourself if you have a glazed door although you should really avoid glazed paneled doors like below as they represent a cutting energy.

The photo below was taken by me a couple of weeks ago in London and gives a superb example of how you should NOT keep your doorway, notice the shape of the caged type door and the wheelie bin beside the door and also right below a window and before you email me saying they probably did not have an option with the bin, they had many options and chose the easy route. The home actually tells even more stories which I will be publishing very soon.

Feng Shui door

4) Ideally a front door must be bigger than the back door encouraging Qi to enter through this aspect. If you have a larger rear door hang a crystal faceted sphere here. 5) I visit a lot of City properties all over the world and many of the homes I see store their waste bins right beside the main door (see picture above) most because they no choice, if you do have a choice please try and store it as far away from your door as possible. If you think of it logically, it is obvious if you leave such a smelly and dirty bin beside your door the smell alone is not good so you can imagine what the quality of the energy is like. If you do not have a choice make the sure the bin is cleaned and disinfected every week. A Chinese belief is if you have your wealth area where you have a bin it will bring in stinky money (a Chinese saying for money that has been obtained illegally or immorally) and if you have your relationship area where you have your bin it will bring… you get the picture?

6) A front door needs to open inwards to allow beneficial Qi to enter. There is no cure for this one it must open inwards.

7) It is important that the front door opens easily without obstacles or difficulties. Broken door furniture must be replaced. Hinges should be oiled regularly. The front door must be well maintained and clean. Brass (metal) door furniture should be gleaming and paintwork or varnish should be in good condition.

8) Make certain that the name or number of your house is clearly visible by day and night in order to maintain harmonious relationships with callers.

9) The most vital thing to do is to make very certain that this door is not being hit by anything sharp or angled. This is what is considered ‘exterior poison arrows’. These structures can transform quality energy into a bad one and you would not want this transformation at your front door. If you feel you have poison arrows directed at your home place a Ba Gua mirror above the door.

10) Make sure the front door bell is easily located and works at all times. It should also have a nice ringing tone to it. I have stood waiting outside many front doors and had to use my mobile phone to call in as the doorbell was not working.

11) Numbers and Feng Shui. Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers; they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully. If you have inauspicious door numbers like #4 do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects. Click on the banner below for more details.

Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers; they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully. If you have inauspicious door numbers like #4 do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects. Click on the banner below for more details.


Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers; they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully. If you have inauspicious door numbers like #4 do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects. Click on the banner below for more details. Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers; they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully. If you have inauspicious door numbers like #4 do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects. Click on the banner below for more details.

12) The colours of the door should reflect the compass direction it faces according to the Five Elements and/or be in balance with the elemental properties of the energies of the sector where the door is located. I have listed associated colours below for doors facing towards the:

Ø South (Fire) = Reds, pink, burgundy.
Ø Southwest (Earth) = Yellows, beige or browns.
Ø West (Metal) = White, silver, copper or gold.
Ø Northwest (Metal) = White, silver, copper or gold.
Ø North (Water) = Blacks, grey or blues.
Ø Northeast (Earth) = Yellows, beige or browns.
Ø East (Wood) = Greens.
Ø Southeast (Wood) = Greens.

Note: If you have had an authentic Feng Shui consultation, the recommended colours given to you may well be different from above, as your Feng Shui Practitioner will know which elements are needed to weaken or enhance this area and if done correctly it will be done from a flying star (Xuan Kong) analysis. Our Feng Shui software also recommends the perfect colours for all areas of the home but you will find it may be different to what I have listed above as it goes into the analysis of the elements so much deeper and this means you get better results.

13) Do not keep shoes near your front door; they constitute clutter and create stagnant energy and not forgetting they are extremely dirty. If you have to keep them by the door place them in a shoe box so the negative energy is contained.

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Responses to “Feng Shui and Doors…”


1. Richard Says:

July 21st, 2007 at 4:23 pm

A very nice artical Michael, really great advice.



2. Roger Says:

July 21st, 2007 at 10:36 pm

Superb work and written from the heart, thanks for sharing.


3. Sarah Says:

July 23rd, 2007 at 1:18 pm

Dear Michael,

I very much appreciated your article on Entrance Doors. I am in the process of painting the front of my house, ie door and shutters. I have a SW2 period 7 house and live in a small French provencal village. Nowhere are there yellow shutters! Would Terra cotta be good for them which would be more in keeping with the rest of the village and/or a sort of browny red colour which is very popular. The front door I have varnished.

I look forward to your advice.




4. Michael Hanna Says:

July 23rd, 2007 at 5:55 pm

Hi Sara, A SW2 (K’un mountain) is a Gen Trigram, west group home, which is small earth so terracotta colour is very good as it is a nice earth colour. You are right to ask the question and good you are thinking like this, I have recently returned working in the Auvergne region of France and know full well you are wise to keep outside colours in line with the province.

I hope this helps and send us sunshine please.

Kind regards



5. Stuart & Rose Says:

July 23rd, 2007 at 6:01 pm

Hi Michael, A superb article and what great timing for me, we are just about order a new front door so a perfect time to read it. We have just ordered your Feng Shui software to give us the correct sizes for the door and frame, our friend uses your software but i think she has the old version that did not have the auspicious directions (she bought it three years ago from you)

Does it matter what the door is made from?

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Stuart & Rose


6. Michael Hanna Says:

July 23rd, 2007 at 7:51 pm

Wood is always a safe bet for a door being a natural element although UPVC doors are not that bad from a Feng Shui point of view.



7. Damien Says:

July 27th, 2007 at 3:22 pm

Great work. I love your website, heard many good things about you from friends & clients. One day i hope to attend your courses in the UK or hopefully you come to my country Germany.



8. Damien Says:

July 27th, 2007 at 3:46 pm

Hello, it is me again. My area is Nienburg if you do decide, i knew there are two-three of us who would love you to come.


9. Kelly Says:

July 29th, 2007 at 11:57 am

I really need some advice if you can help.I live in the UK and thinking to buy a new house.But at the front of the house there is a pond/train for running the rain water.The water will only move when it is fill up to a certain leve.The size of this pond/drain is about 2 cars size.The water is coming from the house at higher ground then to the pond and will move to a forest.The water is moving from right to left if you are standing inside the house.I have mixed opinion from people some say it is good feng sui some bad it is very bad.Please help!


10. Michael Hanna Says:

August 1st, 2007 at 7:19 pm

Neih hou Kelly, Good talking to you the other morning and I hope I did not sound to negative about your proposed new home. You just need to be careful if the water stagnates as this will cause you problems.

The water could be very good but without very accurate compass directions it is hard to give exact advice.

Kind regards and good luck.



11. Damien Says:

August 1st, 2007 at 7:24 pm

Dear Michael, I have now arranged four people (this includes me) who could attend your Feng Shui course if you travel to Germany, I have arranged this in only a few days, so a few more weeks I am sure we could fill a classroom for you. One friend I have has already attended your course last year in the UK and loved it so much, she would actually like to attend again.

Please let me know what you think.




12. Michael Hanna Says:

August 1st, 2007 at 11:43 pm

Dear Damien, Thank you for trying to arrange this but it would be impossible for me to go over to Germany for some time, my commitments in consultations and teaching is very high and I would spread myself too thin if I took any more work on.

We would love to see you on the course in the UK; we have many students from Germany attend.

Kind regards.



13. loka Says:

August 2nd, 2007 at 3:04 am

When will you give us the August 2007 predictions for all the chinese signs?


14. Michael Hanna Says:

August 3rd, 2007 at 2:40 pm

Hi Loka The month does not start until Wednesday (8th August) so there is plenty of time and hopefully it should be up today or over the weekend.

Kind regards.


PS. A please and/or thank you is so much appreciated, especially when I have just spent the whole day doing the updates like I have done every month for the last nine years free of charge.


15. Michelle Church Says:

August 10th, 2007 at 4:52 pm

Thank you for a quick and easy way to refresh my knowledge. A pleasure to read.


16. Savitri Says:

August 13th, 2007 at 1:29 pm

Hi Michael I love the blog pages. You are already doing a fantastic job sharing your knowledge. I was wondering if you can do a blog on career (attracting a new job) and best position for children studying.

kind regards



17. Sarah Says:

August 17th, 2007 at 10:29 am

Dear Michael,

Well finally I have decided to paint my shutters a sort of beigy-browny-olive colour! to blend in well not only with the house but the village. However I know this article is on Main Doors, what about back doors? My terrace is very overlooked by another house above me and although I have screens and plants giving me a little privacy, is there any cure to use, to avoid a feeling of being overlooked the whole time – are these poison arrows targetting my back door and therefore bringing unwanted difficulties? Your comments would be appreciated. Regards Sarah PS Can you tell my why I never received your monthly newsletter even though I have repeatedly applied for it?


18. Henry Fong Says:

October 9th, 2007 at 6:07 am

I agree. The three legged frog and other similar objects are Chinese Good Luck Symbols and they should not be mixed up with Feng Shui.

Thanks for a great article.


19. Jo Says:

January 5th, 2008 at 12:53 pm

Hi Michael, we have been putting off replacing our bathroom for the past few years because the West/NW have been no-go areas for digging etc. Now, having just read your advice for next year, it seems we still can’t do anything in this area! We need a new bathroom badly – what do we do?!!! Also, the garden outside this area also needs sorted and this has been postponed for the same length of time! Sorry we can’t postpone for another year, please help!


20. Poonam Says:

February 7th, 2008 at 3:31 pm

Hi Michael, Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I am facing some problems in my life. Please help. We are living in rented apartment. The main door is facing north and it faces wall of fireplace when we enter in. The home has a store room in SW and the living room cum dinning room is L shape with extension in southeast(I sit in living room while applying for jobs). I am born in sheep year and have Kua 3. It seems my luck has been locked from the time we shifted in here. I have been trying for job for last 5 months without any luck.

Please advise how can I enhance my career luck..

Thanks & Regards,


2 thoughts on “Feng Shui and Doors…

  1. After reading your blog, it looks like we may have poison arrows directed at our home/frontdoor from the neighbouring house as their roof corner point directly to our frontdoor, you suggested a Ba Gua mirror above the door. Can you recommend which one from your online store and where this should be hung inside or outside our frontdoor?
    With thanks and kind regards

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      I would recommend a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror as this is the safest one to use.

      Kind regards,

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