What kind of picture should I carry of my secret animal ? Any picture of a rabbit or I saw a picture of the rabbit with the Chinese word rabbit?

Hi I would like to buy a Jade - Animal protection charm for 2023- for my son who was born in 2006 (dog year). I would like to know which animal I should buy. I bought a Jade - dog animal last year and I do not know if it is good for him? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, Adeline

Hello! I would like to buy the annual cure set and I need to make sure that you send to Bulgaria too. Thank you!

Hi I broke my FuJi Talisman while cleaning it , do I need to replace it with new one ? Thank you!

Hi when is the best time to Cleanse cures? I am aware that the exposing cures overnight to full moon is the best way cleanse cures but our weather in Ireland is so u predictable thus I find this hard to do . Can I use Sandawlood incense instead to cleanse my cures and what is the best time to Do this ? And I broke this cure while cleaning it do I need replace this ? Thank You !

Hi I would like to ask if it is ok for the person who was born in 2006 (dog year) carries a dog jade ? Thanks a lot for your help!

Both Chinese and western horoscopes said February would be good. However I was very upset by a seeming friend. (I cannot give details). Would it be the Master Cure be best for my situation, or something more particular?

In the article, it mentioned that indoor water fountain can be placed in south for 2023. However, when south direction was more elaborated, it said to avoid water here. Where can I place my indoor water fountain in 2023? What would be an ideal direction to keep the wealth vase too? Thank you.

Sir i read your article written by Daniel hanna where you say we follow solar calendar for calculation of gua number because its traditional feng shuii i.e if someone born before 4 feb belong to previous year animal zodiac....is it so.

Hi Daniel, Our neighbor has been harassing us since the day they moved in. Constantly telling us what we cannot do in our yard. now they broke our fence and and are demanding tht we notify them when we need to go over to their side of fence to do anything. we own 2-2 1/2 feet on that side of yard and will not notify them as it is our fence and their so called provide which is the reason for their demand is provided because we paid for and built the fence. they are videoing me all the time. Today they put up a Feng Shui Bagua convex mirror facing to my house. Is it safe for me to put up one too? I ordered a witches bell for protection. Cindy

Hi Daniel, sorry to bother you again. Now the decorators are in my lounge they have put my bed back temporarily with the right hand side directly facing the door in coffin position. The left part of the double bed where I sleep is diagonal to the door. So partly facing door. But seeing it like this, I realise I prefer it now to being under cupboards in the command position, but every Feng Shui specialist warns you not to sleep facing the door. Also though I'm in a North bedroom, this orientation means I am sleeping in the West sector which being Kua 8 is suppose to be more favourable for me. Which position then would be more auspicious? Under the cupboard unit North East and North? Or coffin position North in the West? Really confused.

Pls confirm if my order went thru its over $230.00

Hello,Can you please help me by telling me which are the best sectors that I can put my pictures of horses and elephants according to the flying stars 2023! Thanks

Why is my order so late? I ordered on Jan 10th, someone needs to get back to me about this ASAP, thank you!

Hi, I am setting up a fish tank in my living room in the south east corner. I was originally going to get 3 goldfish but then got a gorgeous mystery snail. Do I need to have a combination of 3 goldfish or is it okay if I have 2 goldfish and 1 snail. Thank you - Di

Please ignore my last question, as I found on the website what they are. I just wasn't sure because they are 4 Buddha's instead of the 2 gold ones in the other picture of the 2023. Thanks.

I purchased the 2023 deluxe cure kit, but the Buddha's I received are different than the ones in the instructions. They are brown with silver robes holding necklaces and one has a ball. If these are substitutes, can someone please explain how to place them, as I n oticed each is unique. Thank you.

Hi dear, We are looking into buying a house with the address number 3721. Is it good or bad for us? Thank you.

Hi I want to order animal protection for my son . His birthaday is 10/03/2000 . Which one should I orderThank you

Hi Daniel. I'm going to place an aquarium on the north side of our living room with 8 gold and 1 black gold fish. Do the dimensions matter and should the aquarium be placed at a height of 17 or 30 inches? Warm regards, Clyde.

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