How to enhance your wealth in 2009.

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A valuable guide and tips on how to increase wealth
and avoid debt problems in 2009 using Feng Shui.

© By Michael Hanna 2009

“Fiction was invented the day Jonas arrived home and told his wife that he was three days late because he had been swallowed by a whale”

Over the past few months I have visited nearly every part of the world on consultations and teaching and regardless of where I am in the world there is so much talk of recession, credit crunch and depression and all things disheartening, every newspaper, radio, TV and website are all reporting the same negative fixation and my strong belief is whatever we think and keep focusing on will happen good or bad and all this negative talk and thoughts will accelerate the problem worldwide so the first thing I will advise is stay positive, it is not as bad as you think, easy for me to say I know, I do not have any problems at all other than a slightly expanding waistline and a few grey hairs on what little hair I have left on my head and even that I have overcome with Feng Shui, good diet, tai chi and positive
thinking. These few tips below are not about placing a few crystals or statues and may seem a bit boring with no quick fixes but believe me they make so much difference, we have proved this so many times not just in our lives but thousands of others, this is real Feng Shui that will get you results.

Enough chit chat and let’s get down to a few ways of improving your wealth, this is the real thing, they work and you will get results.

  1. Last weekend (21st March 2009) Josephine and I spent the day clearing out all our thirty odd flower pots of moss and dead leaves around the decking and the hundred or so trees we have around our garden, we filled around four large black plastic bin bags full of dead leaves, moss, rubbish, dead plants and we even found a few dead birds and mice. Before last weekend you would have looked at our garden and thought what a lovely well kept garden, you would not believe what lurks in these pots and under the trees and in the unseen corners. The last time we did this big clear was only 8 weeks prior just before Chinese New year; you would have thought that it would have been a year ago with all the rubbish we collected. Clearing all this negative sha chi is very powerful and you will be amazed at the effect it can have. The garden is often overlooked and now is a perfect time to make sure all drains are cleared and cleaned, and I do mean lifting
    drain covers and cleaning out and disinfecting, this is very important and the Sha Ch’i (negative energy) from them can cause many problems. Gutters and down-pipes also hold much Sha Ch’I (negative energy) especially if they are full of dead leaves, just put your nose up close and the smell will tell all. I know this may not seem like the exciting text you would normally read in Feng Shui books but to us and the more authentic Feng Shui Master these jobs are critical for good Feng Shui.
  2. Make sure the southeast of your home is clutter free and kept clean inside and out. Josephine asked if I would look at one of her clients photos and floor plans they had sent her a few weeks ago saying how he had noticed a slump in his finances. On studying the photos and floor plans I noticed they had a bathroom in the southeast where the #8 wealth star is located in 2009 which is bad enough but because the bathroom was in the sunny side of the home they decided to turn the bathroom into a conservatory growing plants seeds for the spring/summer. This was really bad as they introduced not only so much chaos and clutter but also a strong growing wood element which destroys the good #8 earth star. Take a good look at the SE of your home or office inside and out and make sure you do not have any clutter and after advising for Jo’s client they have already noticed a considerable increase in finances and overall luck. Place some real quartz crystal
    into the SE and some boulders/stones outside, a good number would be 8 around the size of a small fist or larger. If you work with symbols, quartz crystals, crystal balls or hanging faceted crystals are very good for this southeast palace this year. The #8 star also governs relationships so a nice romance enhancer is a pair of rose quartz double hearts or a pair of Mandarin Ducks this year. Follow this link after you have read this page on how to further activate wealth in 2009.
  3. Don’t assume when something bad happens in your life that your Feng Shui has gone pear shaped, it is probably just a passing influence of the monthly changes in the flying stars. The first thing is look at our website and check the monthly stars, this normally explains why something has happened and more importantly what you can do about it. Do not get paranoid though, sometimes things happen because it is part of your destiny earth luck and nothing to do with the Feng Shui of the home, it could be because you are a Dog or other animal and your forecast that month was not good. Do not worry, it will pass and remember we spend 70% of our time worrying about things that never even happen.
  4. This advice may sound condescending to some and if so I am sorry but don’t think by buying a three legged Toad or a pair of Mandarin ducks and placing it in your office or bedroom that you will win the lottery one day and the next day your dream date will come knocking on the door. You have to address the basics first, a clean house and garden and live your life as best you can. Whatever you give out in this world will come back to you tenfold good or bad. Don’t get me wrong the Toads and ducks or any other enhancer are very important but like everything in life some elbow grease has to go into achieving your dreams. These enhancers are superb but a little like having a perfect diet and plenty of exercise but smoke 60 cigarettes and drinking a bottle of whisky a day. There is no point in placing your 3-legged Toad in a place where you make space by clearing all the dust and
    dirt to one side.
  5. It is worth spending a few hours cleaning the main door, frame and glass, oiling hinges, polishing brass, fixing broken door furniture etc because the main door is one of the most important areas of the home, it is usually where the main qi (chi) enters your home and the quality of qi will be as good as the state of repair to the door. Remember the quality of the qi that enters your home is governed by the quality of your main door and its surroundings. If you have a main door in the northeast, west or north make sure you avoid banging the door closed and do not make any renovations to these areas in 2009 and make sure you have your annual cures in place. This also applies to door mats and door frames. Door mats should be kept very clean and make sure no shoes are kept by the door. Did you also know that dirty windows can make you lose 30% daylight (Sheng Ch’i) in a home? Coconut doormats are also very bad from a Feng Shui point of view as they store negative energy.
  6. Do not keep shoes near your front door; they constitute clutter and create stagnant energy. If you have another door, apart from the front door that is used on a frequent basis including by friends and visitors, the path leading to it must be clear, unobstructed and clean. This will be the path ‘chi’ would take to enter your house and therefore make sure this source is coming from a favorable direction.
  7. Around ten years ago we worked with new clients who are a well known insurance company and their success has been huge and their business plan and integrity always seemed to follow ours and I worked very closely with them. They currently arrange all of our personal and business insurance and financial needs including our Feng Shui consultant indemnity insurance which is a specialist insurance policy that not many insurance companies can offer especially at such a competitive cost. If you live in the UK take a look and see if they can save you
    money, they offer amazing value offers on Life, Health, Home, Motor, Travel Insurance and Feng Shui Practitioners Professional Protection.

Feng Shui Your Finances

And for my auspicious number eight tip I have decided to “go green” and recycle a few question and answers from a 2001 newsletter on how we use Feng Sui in our life, this was written by Jo:


Are you really prepared for 2009?

2009 Cures and Enhancers2009 Faq's Authentic Feng Shui Consultations2009 Animal Predictions

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© Michael Hanna, Feng Shui Store 2009

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