Feng Shui and Numerology

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 Feng Shui numerology – Choosing the right number for luck and happiness

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“Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.”

Feng Shui and numbersThe Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers, they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully.

Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. If you have bad numbers do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects.

A little story, to begin with, last Friday night I was parked outside the cinema waiting to pick up my two boys and as much as I hate to admit it I was listening to BBC Radio 4. I know you always think of the Archers or such like and this is what my Grandma used to listen too, they have some great debates on some nights.

Anyway, this program was about superstition, and one of the interviewers was saying how she was not superstitious but had spent the last 30 years saluting magpies or never walking under ladders or the cracks of pavements. Well, numbers and Feng Shui, are more superstitious Chinese folklore than anything else, do I take it seriously? Yes and no, if I found the perfect Feng Shui house with a good facing direction and it was good for my family but the house number was number 4, I would still buy it although I have to admit I would use the countermeasures listed below.

The main reason these numbers are considered unlucky is that the way the numbers sounds when spoken specially to the Cantonese. An example in western numbers would be the #11 could sound like heaven or #8 sounds like weight or #1 sounds like son, do you see what I mean? So if you have an unlucky #4 and you are from a country other than China. Think of #4 as sounding like “more” which is great.

Feng Shui and numerologyHow seriously is numerology taken around the world?

While on a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur, I checked into my hotel and was given my room and floor number and took the lift up to my floor (23A). It took me a few seconds to realise what was going on until I noticed that any floor level with a 4 in it was listed as 3A or 13A etc.

I spent three days in Kuala Lumpur while on the final part of my honeymoon tour and noticed the avoidance of the number 4 all throughout the trip; there would be no number four option on a restaurant menu, no four in a street address and many more times over the three days.

The use of the number four is taken very seriously in Malaysia and I saw the number four being avoided as much as possible during my trip.

Numbers considered unlucky:

#4 (Sei) the worst number, why? Because in Cantonese when spoken sounds like the word death. #13 because if you add 1=3 = 4 as above. #24 #104 is also considered unlucky

Numbers considered lucky

8, 18, 28, 38, 54, 68, 80, 84, 88, 99, 168 & 108 are all good numbers, the reason #8 is so lucky is that if you say the word (patt) it sounds like “faat” which means “prosperity & abundance”

There are many other numbers I have read about that are considered unlucky in my opinion this is “cannon fodder” and just written about to fill books, if you think about it you could go on for ages, #4 when spoken in English sounds like door, more, store, bore, jaw, paw and “SAW” which out of all of these sounds the worst

How to tell if your house number is good or bad

Let’s say your house number is 2391; you would need to add all of the numbers up until they equal to a single number which in this case would equal to 6.

Let’s say your house number is 395; you would need to add all of the numbers up until they equal to a single number which in this case would equal to 8.

Let’s say your house number is 85 you would need to add all of the numbers up until they equal to a single number which in this case would equal to 4.

If your house number has a 4 in it, I would still suggest putting a circle around the number when it is displayed to weaken the effect.

Here is a general guide for each number and if it is good or bad.
1 – good
2 – good
3 – ok
4 – bad
5 – ok
6 – good
7 – ok
8 – good
9 – very good

The cure:

Feng Shui numerology house signsIf you own a home or business with a 4 or 13 is to draw a circle around the number, seriously it is that simple. The circle is extremely powerful and encloses the inauspicious effects of a negative number. So if you have a house number 4, a cheap way of curing is to go outside and draw a circle around your number or if you have time and money pop down to your local hardware store and find one of those ceramic door numbers that you can customise with a circle around the number, all this time you were worrying about nothing.

How seriously do we take numbers? I would be over the moon if we found the perfect house with great flying stars and it was #8 or 88, but I would not be put off buying it if it were #4 or 13, I would use the cure as above though or change it to a house name like “rose cottage” etc.

Michael has a car number plate with #88 in it; our fax number has three #8’s our telephone # has double nine, so yes we are superstitious a little but not paranoid about it and using the countermeasures above negate the problem, so please do not waste any energy worrying if your house number is 4 or 13, remember in many European countries #13 is very lucky and in Xuan Kong flying star #4 is a romance star. Also, remember how far do you take it, both Michael and I were born in the fourth month of April, could this be bad? If you divide 8 by 2 it equals 4, you can play with numbers all you like and make them work good or bad.

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© Feng Shui Store Daniel Hanna 2023

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917 thoughts on “Feng Shui and Numerology

    1. Hi,

      This number adds up to 4 and I would recommend displaying the number 31 in an oval sign to neutralise the energy.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

      1. hi Daniel,

        Good day.

        We are moving to a 1 bedroom apartment this month of April
        street 4 bldg104 flat # 302
        what is the good date to move in?
        is there something to worry about or prepare?

        Please help

        Thank you


        1. Hi Kwini,

          I would recommend displaying the street number and building number on a piece of card with a black or red oval drawn around the numbers just inside your front door to neutralise the energy of the number 4.

          Here is a link for the April Almanac which will help you find the best dates for moving home – https://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/almanacapril2022.htm

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

  1. Hi Sir! We bought a house and it’s address is phase 3 block 14 lot 7.You said that our block number has number 4 which is inauspiciuos number so we need to put an oval before displaying it in our front door.Is it ok to use red ink to draw the oval and number the number14? Or black ?

    1. Hi Glazia,

      You can use either red or black ink, whichever you prefer the look of 🙂

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Myra,

      The numbers are all good although I would avoid the number 4 if you have the option.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Myra,

      I would display the block and lot numbers in an oval sign to neutralise the inauspicious energy of the number 4.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Rowena,

      I would recommend displaying the number 34 in an oval sign to neutralise the negative influence of the number four.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. Thank you Daniel Hanna. I do however have another lot #33..I searched it and seems like a lucky number. Should I do the same oval shaped sign to make it look uniform on my house? I plan to have an airbnb houses. Which lot should you recommend? Thank you

        1. Hi Rowena,

          33 adds up to 6 which is a good number. I’m afraid I don’t study numerology close enough to advise on relevant numbers so it might be worth looking for someone who specialises in this. The main number to avoid when possible is the number 4 although this can still be used when displayed in an oval sign.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

          1. Hi sir! We already bought a house and it’s address is Phase 3 block 14 lot 7.Is our house number lucky?or do we need to do the countermeasures?I also wonder if putting or displaying the whole block and lot no. Of our house is ok?thank you in advance..

          2. Hi Glazia,

            The block number has a 4 in it which is inauspicious in Feng Shui and to neutralise this, I would display the number 14 in an oval sign and keep it near your front door somewhere.

            I hope this helps.

            Kind regards,

  2. Hi the house we will buy is BLK .14 lot 24…I add them and give me 11..1+1=2..I thought it’s fine ..however it has 4’s in block and lot… location is good..its a end lot unit in a townhouse.which gives more space for us..is it a good unit to buy?

    1. Hi Reyn,

      I would display the block and lot number in an oval sign to neutralise the effects of this number. If you cannot display this outside your home, you can place this inside.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  3. Hi, good day! Pls. help me decide which is the best lot to buy with this numbers. Block 14 Lot 10 & Block 15 Lot 9.? This is my 2nd question different from the first.

  4. Hi Daniel! thanks for the information!!

    What about if your building number is 117 and your apartment is 2-2. It adds up to a 13 that adds up to a 4. Do you know something that can help? I have no 4 number to circle. Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Unicia,

      The building number is not usually added together with the apartment number although your apartment number adds up to 4 and I would recommend getting a good piece of card and writing “2-2” on there with a black or red oval around this. You can place this inside near your door out of sight.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Ana,

      The number 3202 adds to 7 which is a good number and nothing to worry about 🙂

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  5. Which among these room numbers are good to take?

    a. 303
    b. 408
    c. 409
    d. 609
    e. 703
    f. 711

    Thank you very much for your response.



    1. Hi Di,

      The best options are 303, 609, 703 and 709. I would go with the one out of these four that you prefer the most 🙂

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. But 703 is equal to 1 when combined. Is it still a good number? How come you didn’t choose 711? Is it not a good number?

  6. I am not sure whether the number 4 can be unlucky also for other areas of life such as being chosen for a candidate number in an exam or registered randomly as a guest at an event. I was candidate number 44 at a school for exams, that was after when having a bad time in the school for a few years. Quite few things bad happened to me like bullying and poor health. Misfortunes does not only include for properties, probably anywhere that involve numbers.

    1. Hi Pei,

      The number 4 is believed to be unlucky in all areas of life to the Chinese and they try to avoid the number as much as possible. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad time in school and hope that all is well now.

      Kind regards,

        1. Hi Mary,

          The complex number adds up to 3 which is no problem. The apartment number has a four in it which is inauspicious in Feng Shui and to neutralise this, I would display the number 104 in an oval sign by your front door in red or black font.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

          1. Hi Nana,

            This number adds up to 5 which is nothing to worry about 🙂

            I hope this helps.

            Kind regards,

          1. Hi Mary,

            Any number with a 4 in it is inauspicious and it is best to neutralise the number by displaying it in an oval sign.

            I hope this helps.

            Kind regards,

      1. Hi Iva,

        The number 4 is inauspicious in numerology although you can counteract this by displaying the whole number (42-44) in an oval sign outside your front door or near to it on the inside.

        I hope this helps.

        Kind regards,

        1. Hi Renuka,

          I would still go for the house if you like it as you can display the number in an oval sign to negate the effects of the number 4. My house number is 4 and we made sure we displayed the number at the front of the house in a sign before we moved in.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

          1. Hi Daniel,

            We have finally placed an offer on a house and the offer was accepted yesterday. The house number is
            48 and since it has the number 4 in it….is that an inauspicious number ?
            How can I reduce the negative impact of the number if so?

          2. Hi Renuka,

            Congratulations on your new home!

            The number 4 is inauspicious although displaying the whole number 48 in an oval sign will neutralise the negative influence of the number 4.

            I hope this helps.

            Kind regards,

      1. hi Daniel

        Good day!

        I am currently living in a Studio Flat

        Street 4, Building 104, Flat 105

        Help me advise and is there something to worry about?

        Thank you


        1. Hi Kwini,

          The number four is inauspicious in Feng Shui and to counteract this, you should display the number in an oval sign.

          I would recommend writing the whole address down on a good quality card and then draw a red or black oval around the whole address. You can keep this near your front door in a cupboard or hidden behind furniture.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

  7. Hi i am planing to move in an apt which is west open on the 1st floor apt number 103 is it bad

    1. Hi Samina,

      The apartment number adds to 4 which is inauspicious in Feng Shui although if you display the number by your front door in an oval sign, this will neutralise the negative influence of the number 4 🙂

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. Hi thank you for your answer . I also want to know my house which is an apt is south open is that good or bad ?

    1. Hi,

      The number 4 is inauspicious in numerology and to counteract this, I would display the number in an oval sign by your front door.

      I wouldn’t worry too much about the number personally as long as you display the number in the oval sign. My house number is 4 and the first thing I did before moving in was order the sign 🙂

      Kind regards,

    2. Honestly!I have lived 1 year in a unit 4/4. Some vwey bad thinga happened to me. I was not aware about the number 4. I came across an article about chineses and number 4. It was totally true for me. I moved away as soon as I could and si ce then always paid attention to the number 4. Good luck…

  8. Hi sir. Good morning
    Am keeping a restaurant for that i need ur big help to select the name of the restaurant.
    1. Alamaram king
    2 Aalamaram King tree

    Kindly suggest
    Hoping for reply
    Thank u

    1. Hi K,

      I’m afraid that I don’t study numerology well enough with analysing letters. I would recommend finding someone who specialises in numerology as they will be able to give you a better answer.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. Hi, we are looking to buy a house which is on the 13th Street house number 4.

        Now they have written street XIII house #4 with a bizarre 0 next to the 4 but it’s not the official number of the lot or on any of the paper work.

        Now I found out the recent owner lost his wife a year after entering the property who died very young. And the original owner built it in 98 and consequently died every young soon after.

        Obviously 13+4= 8

        I also have 4 kids.

        What’s your thoughts..

        1. Hi Zepiur,

          I personally would not be worried about the number 4 in your address; I moved into a house in January and my address is #4. Before you move in, I would recommend purchasing an oval sign to display the number 4 outside of the front door as this will neutralise the negative influence of this number.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,


    1. Hi Lulu,

      As your address has the number four in it, I would recommend displaying the whole number in an oval sign to negate the energy of the four.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

      1. Thanks Daniel! However, we are now looking at a different house, with number 4421 instead. Is this also bad because of the two 4s? Thank you very much!

        1. Hi Lulu,

          If you prefer the house “4421”, I would go with this as it appeals to you more. My home number is 4 and I didn’t let it put me off as I displayed the number in an oval sign when moving in 🙂

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

          1. Hi Daniel,
            Is the landed private house number 85 is good or bad?
            Please advise.

          2. Hi Jun,

            Your house number adds up to 4 as a single number which is inauspicious in numerology. To counteract this, I would display the number by your entrance in an oval sign.

            I hope this helps.

            Kind regards,

    1. Hi,

      Both numbers add up to 1 as a single-digit and are both good numbers so I would go with your preferred choice.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  9. Hi Dan,

    Good Day! We are planning to get a house in Block 11 Lots 43 and 45. Are these considered as lucky since sum would be single 9 or do we need to calculate the numbers separately from block and lots? Many Thanks.

    1. Hi Dhane,

      Both lot numbers have a four in them so I would recommend displaying the lot number in an oval sign to negate the influence of the number four.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

        1. Hi Dhane,

          These are both good numbers and nothing to worry about 🙂

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,

  10. Hi Daniel,

    We bought a house with the address of : No 31, Jalan Rebab 26/8
    Is it okay? Or do we need to add up 31A? If we need to put circle, where should we include it? Please advise us.

    1. Hi Dhaneeya,

      I would draw a circle around the number 31 as this adds up to 4 and either place it at your front door or keep it close to your front door, inside. The circle will help neutralise the negative influence of this number.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Ace,

      The apartment number and room number are both good although the floor number adds to 4 which is inauspicious in numerology. I would recommend writing the number 31 on card in black or red pen and draw an oval around the number and keep it somewhere near the front door to negate this.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  11. Hi what if there is a letter along with the house number? For example I am looking at an apartment which is 202C. Is that still 4? Or is it 7 because of the C? Thanks.

    1. Hi Jas,

      I personally do not class the letter although some people will include this. I would recommend displaying the number 202c in an oval sign to negate the influence of the number 4.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

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