Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis 2021 – 5 Star

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Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis 2021 – 5 Star

Are you prepared for 2021 year of the Ox

© Written by Daniel Hanna 2020

Are you prepared for 2021?

2021 Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui guide2021 Feng Shui cures and enhancers2021 Feng Shui Flying star analysis2021 Chinese animal Feng Shui predictions

The 5 Yellow In 2021 – The annual 5 Yellow Lian Zhen star of tragedy is located in the southeast palace.

Bad Flying Stars

In 2021, the southeast of every building around the world will be affected by the vicious effects of the annual #5 earth star. If left untreated can cause problems to all occupants ranging from a major illness, accidents, fatalities or bankruptcy so please make sure you treat the southeast with the appropriate cures. The southeast is going to need some good quality metal cures this year and will need to be kept calm and quiet to avoid activating this inauspicious star.

Although the southeast will be a very afflicted area during 2021, please do not feel that there is no solution to this; with Feng Shui, there is always a way to manage or dissipate an inauspicious star, and if you place the relevant cures and keep the area calm and settled, you can avoid activating this area  and avoid any problems that the annual #5 star can bring.

Gold coloured Tsai Shen YehIn 2021, year of the Yin Metal Ox Xin Chou, Tsai Shen Yeh is one of the most essential annual Feng Shui cures and enhancers to place in the southeast to protect your wealth and good luck. In 2021 and you must only use a gold coloured Tsai She Yeh and not be tempted to use a red one.

Most of Michael and Jo’s kitchen is in the southeast of their home, and like most homes, this is the central hub with visitors sitting around and chatting at the kitchen table, and they will generally spend a lot of time in there so for 2021, they will be taking the following steps to ensure they can still use this area and avoid problems –

  • Place a Salt water cure on the kitchen worktop
  • Last year I gave them some weightlifting plates to place under the kickboards for the east and they will be moved after cleansing to the southeast of their kitchen.
  • They will be hanging Six Chinese i-ching coins In a row in the southeast to weaken the #5 star
  • Place a Tsai Shen Yeh wealth God on the kitchen worktop
  • They will be avoiding orange, purple, lilac, pink, burgundy and red decorations and tea towels in the southeast as this would feed the bad earth star and cause problems
  • They will be hanging a Six rod hollow metal wind chime in the southeast for 2021

Where to avoid loud work in 2021 Feng ShuiIf the southeast of your home or office falls into a bedroom, office or other important room such as a living room, it is very important that this area is treated similarly to the steps above as human interaction will make this area very more likely to be activated. If you have a main door in the southeast, please make sure that you follow the advice for this year and ensure that the door is not slammed shut as this will activate the harmful effects of the annual #5. Peace, along with strong metal cures, will help avoid the effects of this star.

If you can, avoid any renovation or groundbreaking; this includes building an extension, knocking through an internal wall, laying a patio, replacing a bathroom suite and all other similar activities. If you have no choice but to carry out work this year, please try to do this when we have a promising monthly star fly into the southeast which would be in May, July, September and December 2021.

My general rule of thumb when carrying out small tasks in a minor area such as hammering a nail to hang a picture or drill a hole is to minimise as much noise as you can; if you can use a manual hand drill, it is better to be safe than sorry.

For 2021, I would strongly suggest placing these Cures in the southeast of your home or office:

Six Chinese i-ching coins In a row

Tsai Shen Yeh wealth God

Salt water cure

Six rod hollow metal wind chime

6 Rod hollow metal wind chime

If you would prefer not to use traditional Feng Shui cures in 2021, please do not worry as there is still a lot of ways to weaken the negative influence of the annual #5 star this year. I would recommend some good quality, heavy metal into the southeast of your home or office such as a stainless-steel dog bowl and weight lifting plates.

Good shapes are items made from metal that are round. Please make sure that you don’t disturb the southeast with any noisy activities, renovations or maintenance work. Houses with gardens to this corner of the property should avoid disturbing the ground with major digging or building work in the southeast.

Feng Shui pendulum clock

A pendulum chiming clock in the southeast is a very effective cure this year, and while this contradicts what I said about keeping the area quiet, the chiming sound of the clock is as important as the moving metal of the pendulum. In the old days, they would have had someone striking a gong quietly every 15 to 60 minutes.

Another powerful cure for the southeast is to place a brass Wu Lou or gold coloured gourd to protect wealth and avoid legal problems, arguments, disputes and loss of wealth.

feng shui metal colours

Whatever you do, please do not place any red objects, bright lights, candles or red coloured furnishing in the southeast of your home or office from 3rd  February 2021 to 3rd February 2022 as this will only cause harm and aggravate the #5 yellow.

Do not worry if you have these colours already and cannot remove them, introduce some metal colours into the southeast such as white, silver, gold or copper in the way of a floor mat, cushions, throws, tablecloth or such like. You can also use dark blue or black if you prefer.

If your bathroom, cloakroom, en-suite, guest room or a large cupboard is located here, this is good for you this year, because these areas are not used much, and therefore the negative power is not activated, I would still place the cures though regardless of what room is located in the southeast.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #5 star in the southeast for 2021

Summary for the annual #5 star in the southeast in 2021:

Take extra care in March, April, June, October, and December.

Please avoid activating the negative energy brought on by the annual #5 star with loud noises or groundbreaking in the southeast.

Avoid placing fire colours in the southeast of your home or office such as orange, red or purple. Introduce metal colours such as white, silver, gold or copper.

Although I have mentioned it quite a lot in the advice above, please try to keep the southeast as quiet as possible this year and make sure that you have your annual cures and enhancers on 3rd  February 2021; if you miss this date, you can place them at any time in the year of the Ox.

recommendations and cures for the #5 visiting the southeast in 2021

  • Avoid playing loud music in the southeast of the home or room.
  • Keep doors closed in the southeast this year as much as possible
  • Do not decorate the southeast with any red or earth colours this year. Grey, blue or white beddings and curtains are good colours to use.
  • Place a salt water cure in the southwest of the building along with six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon and six hollow metal rod wind chime.
  • The six coins in row and salt cure are a crucial cure to place in 2021; please do not forget it.
  • Place a Tsai Shen Yeh wealth God in the southeast
  • Place a Brass Wu-Lou in the southeast corner of the room if this is your bedroom.
  • Metal objects such as six Chinese metal coins tied in a red ribbon and a brass Dragon can be placed in this corner too. Do not to use red dragons.
  • Do not burn candles in the southeast and please avoid any triangular shapes
  • Tsai Shen Yeh (God of wealth) in gold colour is very effective at not only reducing the bad earth but by also protecting your wealth.
  • Replace or at the very least cleanse your Ba Gua mirror if you have one in the southeast especially if you have a door here.
  • If you have a main door in the southeast in 2021, make sure that you oil the hinges and try not to let it bang shut and oil squeaky hinges.

Click here for the #6 Flying star analysis for 2021

2021 Feng Shui cures and enhancers

click here to save a printer friendly copy

Visit the pages below for further details on 2021 Chinese New Year etc.

Chinese New Year 2021 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2021 ** How to make your own Ang Pow **Chinese Talismans for 2021 ** Chinese animal predictions for 2021 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2021 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2021 ** Chinese New Year world time converter 2021 ** 2021 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui software ** Feng Shui resource ** 2021 Tong Shu Almanac Software ** Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

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